Audio Interface and Headphones - Tips?


Fus Ro Dah
Dec 29, 2011
Oslo, Norway
Hi guys.

I'm in the market for a new Audio Interface, as my Line6 PodStudio UX1 is getting old, i'm getting fed up with driver issues, horrible support, and i want something new.

I need something with separate volume control for monitors and headphones. As it is now, i have to turn off my monitors every time i check mixes through headphones, so being able to simply turn the volume down for the speakers would be neat. Other then that.. it should be able to record guitar directly with reasonable latency, and 1 mic input will do. My current has too much delay when recording. Oh, and it has to be USB. Budget is around 300 $.

I also need a new pair of headphones.
I've had Beyerdynamic DT770 pro for a while now, and it does the job well allaround, but i would like another set, more specifically for mixing/mastering.
I've looked at DT880 Pro, any experience with those?
Should i go for open-back headphones when mixing? I'll be using them mostly in quiet environments, and not for tracking.

My budget here is also around 300 bucks.

Thanks in advance for any help ;)
Just going to throw out there that I have the Fast Track Pro and it has separate volume controls for monitors/headphones and is within your price range. As of my understanding, these don't get th best reviews, but I've never had a single issue with mine and my guitar DIs are right up there with my Profire 2626 DIs.
I recently tested like 40 different high quality hifi and monitoring headphones, in our local headphone shop and i walked out with the DT990s (250 Ohms). Non Pro, which cost a few bucks more, but worth it. I had the DT770 Pros before too. Loved them but the right driver started cracking.. As for a Interface: im not really up to date, but i tried a roland quad capture 2 years ago, and for the money you couldn't get anything better. That might have changed. Im using a RME Babyface, which i couldn't be happier with but is out of your budget. Hasn't failed me once, and i had it for 2 years.
The Focusrite Scarlet 2i4 has separate controls. Around $200 new.

For headphones, Focal just released a new version of their Spirit Professional model, said to duplicate the accuracy of their monitors. It's around $350.