Audio Savant appreciation thread


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Just want to give a big thumbs down (per their logo) for this distro/label for being daring in their band signings, and having the best service I could ever hope for from a distro. Plus with mottos like "Awkward and Uncomfortable Music" and "Enjoying Music is a Sign of Mental Deficiency," how can you not love them?

JWW, you are truly a king among men.

To be fair on dubloth, he did send us free shit, and you did get them in the same package as this Audio Savant stuff. :tickled:

Of course, the difference is, JWW plays bass for Agalloch.

All you 4 stringers stick together. :loco:
Yeah but those are promos and he expects a review for them, JWW sent me some shitz other than promos (that I'm just going to up and review anyhow). Oh, semantics. :tickled: dubloth, big gay man love to you too, I've ordered stuff from you in the past and Vendlus is equally kickass.

But you're right about us 4-slingers, we like to pahtay!


best image i could find of the Saigon whore from Full Metal Jacket
Between those three... well before seeing Hammers in concert it was Janis Tanaka, hands down. But then after seeing Jamie Myers in person and hearing her belt out:

I am the maelstrom's deafening song
The ether through which the fallen descend
I am the frightful dance of the flames
The pain of creation and violent end

I practically swooned. :goggly: :bon0red:
I appreiciate Audio Savant.


hey dude, NAD: have you heard "The Waking Cold" yet? Awesome stuff. You should get a copy before it all sells out.
Oh yeah like I have time to listen to those anyhow. :loco:

I did two brand spankin' new reviews this week dontchaknow!
LMAO at this bio:

Food has been writing music and writing books since before you read this, so that proves you are an idiot. His books have sold, and so has his music, and that's better than you have done. His books also prove cows useless. Food has revolutionized the dental industry. Food Fortunata can almost write his own name. Instead, he has now written three books worth of non-fiction. The fourth is being contemplated currently within his pea-sized brain. What makes this idiot think he's an author is anybody's guess...