Audio to midi converter plugin


Jan 31, 2006
Does anyone here have any experience with an audio to midi converter for their DAW that actually works well? I want to convert the kick and snare of a live drum performance into midi information.
I remember using something wayyyy back in the day but it was shit and didn't really offer much. As far as I know your best bet would have been to get that data when the drums were being performed.


Thanks but the drums are already recorded. I have real triggers, but I did not record the drums.

I'll check out KT drum trigger...

Can't drumagog generate midi data from the audio track that it triggers from?
I haven't had much luck with that but if it works splat, let us know please :) ~e.a
I haven't had much luck with that but if it works splat, let us know please :) ~e.a

I will. As far as Drumagog goes, I have version 3 and it does have some midi options on the last tab which I activated, but when I open a midi track, Drumagog is not an option for input on the midi channel. I've been reading about guys doing this, but what am I missing here? Perhaps this is only available in Drumagog 4.
I could use something like this so I downloaded KTDrumTrigger but I can't quite get it to work. Anyone have experience with it who could give me a brief description of how they use it?
I will. As far as Drumagog goes, I have version 3 and it does have some midi options on the last tab which I activated, but when I open a midi track, Drumagog is not an option for input on the midi channel. I've been reading about guys doing this, but what am I missing here? Perhaps this is only available in Drumagog 4.

I have an up to date version of Drumagog 4 and it can generate MIDI data perfectly, exactly the way Machinated described it.

I usually only use it for the kick drum on stuff that wasn't recorded to a click, to perfect the hits as well as I can. Just set the sensitivity so you KNOW it's triggering all the hits and any mistriggers are easily edited via the MIDI data.

I'd believe doing this w/the snare would be trickier, but.. I haven't tried it yet..

I have an up to date version of Drumagog 4 and it can generate MIDI data perfectly, exactly the way Machinated described it.

I usually only use it for the kick drum on stuff that wasn't recorded to a click, to perfect the hits as well as I can. Just set the sensitivity so you KNOW it's triggering all the hits and any mistriggers are easily edited via the MIDI data.

I'd believe doing this w/the snare would be trickier, but.. I haven't tried it yet..


Thanks for the info CJ. It must be a Drumagog 3 issue, however, it is extremely feasible that I am just flat out retarded.

In the mean time, I have found that the 'generate silence' feature in Cubase SX 3 is a fantastic feature for preparing your audio data for triggering when you set it properly. I would just like to be able to trigger DFHS directly from midi without having to create a GOG file for all the drums.

hahah jokes.
No No i meant the DAW with the most Innapropriate name ever
i just downloaded kt drum trigger, and will check it out tomorrow...i've been looking for something just like that

no idea if it works, but thanks in advance to the guys who mentioned it (and it being free!)
How the fuck do you use KTDrumTrigger? Lol.

I d/l'ed it and opened it up in Cubase and can't figure out how to use it. Manual blows.
