Audio Tutorial - Growling


Jan 1, 2003
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This is an audio tutorial on growling I made that is around 5 minutes long. If someone could host this somewhere that would be great. At the end there is my short take on the intro of the vocals of "Ghost of Perdition" by Opeth. Have a listen and comment on what should be changed or added. For now here is the YouSendIt link that will expire in 7 days.
Awesome, this is very much appreciated. Still not sure if I'm doing my vocals right, but this should help. Thanks.
O_O DUDE It says the page could not be found. WHHAAT the helllll I need help on my vocals. If anyone else has any vids that would be hot. Oh right, I just scrolled up and it said it will expire in seven days ¬.¬ Someone get it hosted.
You could growl since you were SIX? That's crazy! I didn't even know about growling when I was six. Actually I didn't even listen to metal when I was six! Crazzzzzy.
Mr Genvin said:
O_O DUDE It says the page could not be found. WHHAAT the helllll I need help on my vocals. If anyone else has any vids that would be hot. Oh right, I just scrolled up and it said it will expire in seven days ¬.¬ Someone get it hosted.
yeah haha this thread is almost a year old anyways
Mr Genvin said:
You could growl since you were SIX? That's crazy! I didn't even know about growling when I was six. Actually I didn't even listen to metal when I was six! Crazzzzzy.

My sis got me into it. I'm totally guttural with it. Hasn't heard my throat...yet. It actually helped me learn to sing well also. Becuase I can pitch shift and all that good stuff.