Audix D6 on floor tom and bass/guitar cabs?


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK

Anyone got any recordings of an Audix D6 on floor toms and bass or guitar cabs?

I just got one, and I'm primarily going to be using it on kick drums (of course) but I'm curious how it would sound on the rest of these things. Haven't got the ability to test it out until after new year, so was wondering if anyone has ever used it in this way?
I've done both recently. I use mine primarely on kicks but was experimenting with other mics on the kick so I put the D6 on the 2nd floor tom, I think it was a 20" floor on a DW kit, sounded really nice. On bass cabs was meh, not bad but not great either. Blended with the DI gave me some interesting results but I'm still on the fence about it. Never tried it on guitars, probably won't!

honestly I've yet to put it on anything but kick... but then i haven't tried!
who knows it might be ace!
Lately I used it on a FloorTom (DW drums) in a hard rock song and it was great! On guitars I used few times also with good results but usually I start with others (57,421). On bass cab I usually prefer D112.
Gonna try it on floor tom and kick drum over the xmas period. Might try it on a guitar cab too; see what sort of affect it'll have on the mids. I usually crank my mids on the amp, and then tame them somewhat in the mix - maybe the mic will do some of the taming for me. Anyway... interesting thoughts from y'all.