Aug 1/2: NYC & Allentown PA Shows with Suspyre & Dark Empire

You guys still doing the show at Jaxx with Wisteria on the 3rd? While it is easier for me to go to Allentown on the 2nd, I have a wedding to attend that day.
No, unfortunately it was canceled due to low ticket presales. :(

Hopefully you can still make the Allentown show after the wedding? We'll go on around 8ish or so...

Can you let Keith/Lori and other friends know about the show for us?

Sorry to hear the Jaxx show was cancelled. I was planning on doing a new interview with you concerning the new record (which I now have! It rules!) before the show took place or afterwards at Jaxx. Maybe that can still be a possibility if I can get to the Croc Rock show. I need new material for the 'zine and a good interview concerning a new album is just what the doctor ordered. Let me know if you are up for it.

I'll be sure to let the others know. Keith is in the wedding party, but I am not sure about Lori or Andrea. As for me, I am not. I may be able to make the show. It's a quick jaunt up I-81 to I-78 for me.
Well, the doors open at 7 according to the promoter for the show (Croc Rock's website says 6). So assuming the show starts at 7 or 8, there is a band before us. So we'll probably go on closer to 8:30 ish to 10ish? So if it's an earlier wedding, maybe some/most of you can make it. :)

As for the interview, but of course! And if that doesn't work out, we can set up a time/place to meet. I'd love to talk about the new album. ;)

Can't wait to read your review!