
The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
OK...I was randomly searching for dethklok quotes on google (something Toki said on the endorsement episode), and I was immediately linked to a creepy fanboy/slash community.

NOOOOOO! Toki and Pickles pairings? Furries and creepy fanfics? Is NOTHING sacred??

No ma'am. If it exists, someone, somewhere, wants to fuck it, or at the very least, write fanfics about it and dress up as it in costumes.

I mean, Harry Potter or Star Trek or something like that... it's hugely popular, so it's not so surprising. People build their homes and raise their families based on that shit. But Dethklok... wow.
At least Dethklok kicks ass, though. It's one thing to pretend you're Captain Kirk for 30 years, but it's another to be a fanboy of something as kickass as Dethklok. Ok, some people take it to the extreme and have no lives, but at least they're revolving their life around something kickass.

I just want to say it one more time: kickass.
How dare thee even bring this sick sick travesty of a website to peoples attention.

And which quote from the episode did you want, I have that episode pretty much memorized toki-wise.