

also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
Amazing death metal from Quebec. I just discovered these guys and jesus fuck they rule! I'll bang my head on the walls for not seeing them with Quo Vadis last week :ill: .

Here's the official site of the band, where you can download 2 songs of their debut album released last year:

I'm sure you guys will like this.

Edit: I forgot to mention you need real player to play the songs
Very cool. Original sound. I didn't need real player.

I'm going to bang your heard on the walls for not going to Quo Vadis.
hmm... I thought they were well put compared to many bands. But at least, there are not female vox on every tracks.
Bands need to find something more original than backing female vocals.

Actually, can anyone think of a band where a woman does more than vocals, keyboard, or bass? I could only name Swawa of Carved in Stone, and I guess a couple of growlerins.