August 19th - A local show not to miss!

Eden's Fall

Dec 9, 2005
I know it is a little early, but mark your calanders for August 19th and get your asses to JJ Kelley's!!!

Chicago Metal Anthem is proud to announce a show by Chicago metalheads FOR Chicago metalheads!!!

Aug. 19th, 2006
JJ Kelly’s
2455 Bernice Rd.
Lansing, IL 60438

7:00-7:40 The Everscathed
7:55-8:35 Abolisher
8:50-9:30 Sacred Dawn
9:45-10:25 Mindwarp Chamber
10:40-11:20 Eden’s Fall
11:35-12:15 Twelfth Gate
12:30-1:10 Ravensthorn

Attached is the flyer and some links to hi-res printable versions. Please help us out by printing these out and giving them to every damn Chicago metalhead that you know!!! They are good for $1 off at the door. The cover charge will be $10.

Spread the word! Support local metal!!! :rock:

Just a quick reminder about the show on the 19th at JJ Kelley's. I hope a lot of you locals can make it out!

Also, Soul's Demise cancelled due to the fact that they don't have a lead singer :loco: :goggly: ...

Anyway, they have been replaced by The Everscathed which is another cool local band definately worth checking out!

The flyer in the original post has been updated...

See ya in 2 weeks!

BTW, Eden's Fall is hoping to play 4 new songs at the show. The two that we have been playing for a while now (Chaos Bringer & Parasites of Decay) and 2 BRAND NEW songs that he just finished (Frozen & The Storm). Hopefully, we can get it together, but don't quote me.... We will see how the next few practices go ;)
I know I was thinking of coming out... but I might be moving in a month and a half, so I have to hoard as much $$$ as possible. Have a great show!
booB said:
If Ken doesn't show up, he's a pussy. :)

Which isn't necessarily bad, as long as you next tell me to go fuck myself.

I plan on being there, especially now that there is a beer that needs a new home. I might be a little late since there's a Northwest Indiana Symphony outdoor concert at 7pm in Valpo, but I plan on getting there in time to see Mindwarp Chamber.

CHICAGO METAL ANTHEM 2006.... TOMORROW!!! (August 19th)

We are all looking forward to this show and hope to see a bunch of you people there!!!!

Another thing I thought that I would mention is that we are planning on filming the show for a future DVD release. This is all coming to together at the last minute, but we are going to have several cameramen present to film all of the bands from various angles. Then, we are having all of the footage assembled, color corrected, edited and encoded for DVD by Screen Time Images in Schaumburg, IL.

If all goes well, the CHICAGO METAL ANTHEM 2006 DVD will be released next month and should be for sale on the web and at Madpower 2006 in Wisconsin on September 30th. Three of the bands (Eden's Fall, Twelfth Gate and Mindwarp Chamber) will also be performing at that festival. The DVD will feature 3-4 songs from each band that is interested in participating.
Wow... what a show!!! Thanks to everyone for coming out. Its awesome to see the support for the Chicago metal underground!

The turnout was great, all the bands ruled and we had lots of fun too! The "afterhours" party went until 7am! I'm bet some of the guys from Twelfth Gate and Raventhorn had a tough time making the 11:00 checkout from the hotel. I know we sure did ;)