Chicago Metal Anthem Aug. 19th

Dec 9, 2005
Chicago Metal Anthem is proud to announce the line up for its first (hopes to be annual)
Fest! Unlike other fests every band is from the Chicago area. If you’ve been around Chicago Metal scene for the last 5 or so years you’re bound to know one of these bands.
Aug. 19th
Where – JJ Kelly’s
2455 Bernice RD
Lansing, IL
7:00-7:40 The Everscathed
7:55-8:35 Abolisher
8:50-9:30 Sacred Dawn
9:45-10:25 Mindwarp Chamber
10:40-11:20 Eden’s Fall
11:35-12:15 Twelfth Gate
12:30-1:10 Ravensthorn
That is a SWEET line-up, and that's with me being really familiar with 2 of the bands (Eden's Fall and 12th Gate) although I know the make-up of Mindwarp Chamber.

Will this be Mindwarp's first live show? Cool.

I'm going to post this on the PM forum, hope you don't mind!

Yeah, we are really looking forward to this show. Our drummer Ray did an awesome job putting this lineup together. All of the bands are friends of ours and the date lands right in between Ray's birthday and my birthday... so it should be one Hell of a party. We are planning to get hotel rooms to continue the after hours activities :kickass:

We are looking forward to seeing Mindwarp Chamber in action. As far as I know, this will be their first show and I'm sure they will kick ass. Scott even said that he is up for doing a song w/ Twelfth Gate if they want :)

Attached is the flyer and some links to hi-res printable versions. Please help us out by printing these out and giving them to every damn Chicago metalhead that you know!!! They are good for $1 off at the door. The cover charge will be $10.

Spread the word! Support local metal!!! :rock:


Just reminding everyone that Chicago Metal Anthem is THIS SATURDAY at JJ Kelley's!!!

We are planning on debuting 2 BRAND NEW songs if practice goes good on Thursday. One is called "Frozen" and was written mostly by John. The other is called "The Storm" and was written by Ray. We are really excited about how they turned out and look forward to playing them live.

See ya there!
To everyone that come out for the show.... THANK YOU!!!!!

We had an awesome time and the crowd was fantastic. It's great to see so many people come out to support the local Chicago metal scene. All of the bands kicked ass and the "afterhours" parties were insane!

Long time no visit around these parts and at some of your recent shows, except the last one. :) I'm glad I came out because I've missed your last few shows. Sorry about that. Here's one of the pics taken last Saturday. You should've held the horn pose a little bit longer, Dan, because my camera (the Sony) wasn't responding very well due to battery issues.


The camera and the batteries had been sitting for about 8 months until I broke them out again after taking the Canon in for servicing. The Sony batteries have been several times since the beginning of this month - they'd been idle since January. They were also charged up Thursday night in anticipation of Friday's office outing but got drained on Friday during that trip so I think they're not fully charging anymore, thus the performance issues last Saturday. There are a few more photos from the show that I'll be adding to my site later. I'm also looking forward to the other pics and videos taken by other sources as well. It looked like there were quite a few. :)

And here's a shot of yours truly with the new (old fart) bifocals. They have lineless ones nows I guess. This is my first pair of glasses in a while and the doc said I needed the bifocals because I'm going blind! Heh. Not really but they're not getting better with age. I guess these bifocal lenses don't work too well with the new and stylin' dinky frames, which I don't really like. But I found these and bought 'em. Teh win! :D

metalprof: Perhaps Dan is grinning like that because he became impatient waiting for the shot to go off. It could have been a total loss if it didn't go off when it did, possibly resulting in a shot of the wall behind them. I'm glad they stuck it out since I bugged them for it in the first place. I know how annoying it is when a photographer says, "say cheese" and then doesn't take the shot right away. It's also embarrassing to be the photographer in that type of situation. :ill:

Thanks for the compliment on the new specs. The acuity is great! It's been nothing but contact lenses for several years so it's nice to give the eyeballs a rest.
metalprof said:
Awww, look how cute Dan is with his new haircut!

And what is he doing with his face? THERE'S NO SMILING IN METAL! :)

Nice pics, Wildfyr, and the glasses look good on you.


Ken, just becasue I bought you that beer :kickass: , doesn't give you the right to hit on me on a public forum :goggly: BEHAVE!!! :Spin:

About the smiling :heh: , what can I say, BEER makes me smile and let's just say that I had A LOT to smile about that night... :lol:

and Rebecca, I like the new glasses too, I'm sorry the camera was giving you so much trouble. I look forward to seeing more pics... hopefully I do not look so :) "un-metal" :) in the rest of them! :u-huh: :rock:
Danimal said:
Ken, just becasue I bought you that beer :kickass: , doesn't give you the right to hit on me on a public forum :goggly: BEHAVE!!! :Spin:

Hey, don't flatter yourself. After all, you only bought me an Old Style. Now if you had bought me a Guinness, I may have offered to be your personal roadie and handle your big instrument for you. :)

(For the record, the Old Style was my own request, not Dan's suggestion!)

I hope the video is coming out well, have you had a chance to look at a lot of it?

metalprof said:
I hope the video is coming out well, have you had a chance to look at a lot of it?


Here's the deal with the video... I had contacted 3 different freelance videographers to come tape the show in addition to the DVD camcorder and CD Recorder (for soundboard audio) that I had set up in the back of the room. This was obviously low budget, but the freelancers I talked to agreed to my terms and seemed excited about helping out. With that in mind, I shelled out over $100 of my own money to buy blank tapes and hoped for the best. Well, you get what you pay for... NONE OF THEM SHOWED UP!:mad: :waah: :Puke:

The DVD camcorder was primarily to be used for crowd shots and as a "room mic" for audio to mix with the soundboard feed. Needless to say, most of this footage is of the backs of people's heads with the band playing in the background. This would have been fine to use in the edit along with the 3 handheld cameras for closeups, but as I said, this was not the case.

Luckily, a few of my friends :notworthy (Ross & Jan) were there with video cameras and said that they would film and let me use the footage. So, maybe this will not be a total loss, but the finished product may end up as more of an "Official Bootleg" than a high-end DVD release. It depends how things go in the edit.

I looked through Ross's footage last night and a lot of it is pretty good. As you may have noticed, he was not shy about crawling around the floor and jumping up on stage to get close-up shots. The only bad thing is that he seemed to be enjoying some of the "special effects" built into his camcorder a little to much! :lol: Some of the "effect" shots looked kind of cool, but I am not sure how useful they will be.

I have not seen Jan's tapes yet... She traveled all the way from Pennsylvania for the show and did not want to give me the tapes until she got back home and made copies. Fortunately, she had filmed video of one of our shows before and it turned up pretty damn good :rock: , so I am hoping for the best...

I've listened to the audio and its is pretty decent, but there are a few technical difficulties. The CDs that I recorded from the soundboard sounded great but the vocals and kick drums are WAY too loud. So, I hope mixing that with the DVD camcorder audio and some EQ can bring the guitars up a bit and get a decent mix. Plus, it seemed that the CD recorder "skipped" a few times from vibrations, so that may limit which songs are useable...

This may sound like a total disaster, but I work in the video industry and this is not as bad as it sounds. You would be amazed what can be done to clean things up in "post-production." The studio that I work at has a lot of very expensive top of the line professional equipment for color correction, stabilization, video restoration, editing and DVD authoring. If the footage is at all decent, I should be able to come up with a decent DVD when I am finished.

Plus, I am still waiting to hear from a few of the band for permission to use their footage... I will keep you posted.
I just wanted to thank everyone that came out and supported CMA! To be completely honest, I've been loosing interest in playing live. I got to the point where I was so tired of playing in front of the same 5 people show after show I've just been going through the motions for the last year or so. I had just about given up hope on the local metal scene but CMA changed all that! It felt good to be in front of such a great metal crowd again!