August 2nd Portland Roll Call

I'll be going! I can't wait. I havent seen the B complex yet but I've read a review or two online searching in google and its supposed to have good sound.
Swanöholic said:
I'll be there as well along with my roommate. I haven't been to the B Complex either, hopefully it's a pretty good venue. Can't wait.

Hey! I'm from Eugene too! Wouldn't this tour be killer at the Hult Center?? That would completely OWN! What will you guys be wearing? I think I'll probably be wearing a testament shirt (the gathering...I think!) If I change my mind...I'm female so that happens quite often:loco: I'll be sure to post!
MindInsane said:
Hey! I'm from Eugene too! Wouldn't this tour be killer at the Hult Center?? That would completely OWN! What will you guys be wearing? I think I'll probably be wearing a testament shirt (the gathering...I think!) If I change my mind...I'm female so that happens quite often:loco: I'll be sure to post!
A fellow Eugener eh? Cool...ya gotta look pretty hard to find the metal heads among the hippies in Eugene. ;)

As far as what I'll be wearing to the show, prolly just some blue jeans and perhaps my white Opeth shirt with the logo on the front, but who knows.
Hey Geyzer! Thanks for the bump! I was beginning to think there was only 3 of us from the board going! The show is tonight and I'm sooooo damn excited!! I love Opeth so much...they are the greatest band in the world:grin:

I went to Fates Warning, Dream Theater, and Queensryche last night and I have a funny story about it....

We got there at 7:20 (the ticket said the show started at 7:30) and when we got inside I was all..WTF???? Someone is playing right now! We ran to our seats and Fates Warning was playing their LAST song!!! I was sooooo pissed because that's who I really wanted to see (I love the other two bands too...but I was really looking forward to Fates!) So when they were walking off of the stage my friend ran up there and told the lead singer that the ticket said 7:30 and we missed their set...and he was really bummed for us..and mad because evidently this had been happening to them for the entire tour.


We were out waiting in the beer line and he came out and signed some stuff for us ( he specifically looked for us) he's such a cool guy!! He had a Yakuza shirt on and I was all..I saw them open for Opeth..he was all Really? They are some of my really good friends, they are really different etc...and I was all what do you think of Opeth? He said I love them! I'm staying over in Seattle Sunday so I can see them and Porcupine Tree (Saturday night is the last date of the Fates, Dream Th, and Queens tour) I said right on! I'm seeing that tomorrow night! We said good bye and he left. Then during Queensryche one of the roadies finds me and gives me a backstage pass from Ray! He took me to the side of the stage and I got to watch the last three songs from behind Portnoy's drum set! Dream Theater and Queensryche did this killer jam session at the end and I got to watch Mike go off...drums are my this was just amazing for me!!!

I never in a million years thought something like that would happen to me!

So I think I'll wear my new Fate's Warning girlie tee tonight...please come up and introduce yourself cuz it's always cool to meet people from the UM board!
Man I wanted to see Dream Theater last night, but I didn't know they were coming until a week before the concert date and I didn't have cash left :-(

The Porcupine Tree/Opeth show starts at 9 and will probably end around 1:00.

I'm hoping to get an autograph this time!
I'm so stoked...this is gonna be awesome...two of my all time favorite bands playing together, it just doesn't get much better than that!

And yeah, I'll be wearing blue jeans and white Opeth keep an eye out. ;)