San Diego roll call II

Squeak said:
Yes, please everyone come say hi to me!!! If y'all don't remember what I look like, I have blonde hair to the middle of my thighs and a BIG camera. \m/ Here's some pics: . I can't believe I'm driving 9 /12 hours ONE WAY for a show! Not to mention the gas will cost about $100.

hehe yeah i guess i'v seen you sometimes before.. at least i remember i'v seen a blonde girl with a camera near the stage, so it shoul be you hehe :) so if someone says hello with a bad english accent ,it's me.
Squeak said:
Yes, PLEASE make sure to say hi!!! I love to meet some of the people here. I want to finally have a REAL face to the name. lol

hehe ok then that's nice. i'll prolly say hello then , it's not very hard to find you:) so u can understand it's me because of my bad english.:Spin:
Ah Squeak I saw you before running around the stage at the Troubadour, so I know what to look for, I'll say hi if I see you, you don't know me or anything, but why not? I'm just some guy with shortish brown hair and an unshaven face in an Opeth long sleeve.
(originally posted by atrocity)

hehe ok then that's nice. i'll prolly say hello then , it's not very hard to find you so u can understand it's me because of my bad english.

No worries on your english. Most of my family is foreign and speak TERRIBLE english! I can understand ANYONE. :)

(originally posted by Mudas)

Ah Squeak I saw you before running around the stage at the Troubadour, so I know what to look for, I'll say hi if I see you, you don't know me or anything, but why not? I'm just some guy with shortish brown hair and an unshaven face in an Opeth long sleeve.

Hi mudas!! Yes, PLEASE say hi! That is funny. Yes, I did run across the stage at the Troubadour a couple times, didn't I? Didn't have a choice lol. I was injured then and I'm injured now even worse from the Meshuggah/Strapping Young Lad show. I have bruised ribs that got pretty crushed and a sprained ankle (YES, the ankle I drive with!). Not to mention a SHITLOAD of bruises on my arms, knees and legs.
Okay, I am logged into Bernie's (guitarist of Agent Steel) computer in Los Angeles right now just so I could make sure what is going on. LOL So yes, I am going tonight. I think I will leave here around 2pm, so I'll get there quite early. I have no idea where it is or how to get there or even what time it starts! lol Wish me luck. Cin, I will call you soon!!!
Squeak said:
I have no idea where it is or how to get there or even what time it starts! lol Wish me luck. Cin, I will call you soon!!!

hehe a hint: When you come near of Venue, there's a VERY VERY OLD WOODEN rollar coaster,, the venue is behind that rollar coaster.. or somewhere like that. i hope it helps lol :D
Dude, my fucking neck hurts. You try headbanging with as much hair as I have! hehehe And shit, I gotta drive 7 hours back home now. I think I got 3 1/2 hours of sleep because the fuckers next door decided to start mowing the lawn and blowing leaves around at 7am! If I had my gun here, I'd shoot his ass. I can't WAIT to develop the photos!!! I'll post all the stuff about the show, aftershow, etc later. Did I mention my head hurts???