LA/Hollywoodl roll call

the show was awesome, I had to buy a ticket from a scalper but got a ticket.
setlist in order:
The Baying of the Hounds
In my time of need
The Grand Conjuration
The Moor
Blackwater Park
Demon of the Fall (encore)
Killing Art said:
the show was awesome, I had to buy a ticket from a scalper but got a ticket.
setlist in order:
The Baying of the Hounds
In my time of need
The Grand Conjuration
The Moor
Blackwater Park
Demon of the Fall (encore)

I just got home a bit ago. The show was really good, but i'll just say that Martin Lopez is definitely missed. I don't know if anyone noticed but, Axenrot was very lacking in the finesse department. Something was definitely strange. All the songs were noticeably slower and they didn't have that swing/jazzy feel- very sterile sounding. The dynamics were all but gone. I hate to bitch about an Opeth performance, but shit! Don't get me wrong, It wasn't horrible, but it seems I'd rather hear MLo on a bad night, than Axenrot on a good one, no offense to Axenrot- he's a great drummer in his own right, just not right for Opeth maybe. I'm being too picky, i dunno.. Regardless, the setlist was fucking awesome and the rest of the guys were spot-fucking-on. The Grand Conjuration is leaps and bounds better in a live setting too. I will no doubt go see them again when they return in Feb '06, I just hope its with Lopez. <end of rant> (ready for the flames) :flame:
I went to this one as well (anyone see the blood red Bloodbath shirt?), and I must agree the setlist kicked a lot of ass. Throwing The Moor in there instead of The Drapery Falls was a definite plus (did they do that at other shows?). I couldn't really hear the guitars very well at first, but it seemed to get better as the night went on.

I stood as close to the front as I could get, it was really packed up there. There was probably about five feet from me to the stage barrier with about half a dozen people being squashed in front of me. Literally my entire shirt was saturated with sweat by the end of it.

I've only been to one other Opeth concert (HOB Jan '04) and their stage presence seems a lot different now, from the clothes they were wearing to what they did in between songs (and during). I liked it alot.

The entire 200 miles round trip would have been worth it for Blackwater Park alone.
Awesome show, the setlist was a dream come true and the energy in the room was enthralling. Mikael especially seemed to be full of life and a lot more playful with the crowd than in times I have seen them in the past, maybe the result of being a father.

But I do agree with the post above about something feeling off in the music, and the drums apparently being the place where it was placed. Most parts I couldn't tell that it wasn't Lopez playing, and in some parts, notably the ending of Bleak and the ending of Deliverance, I was impressed. But other parts, like the first half of The Moor, I just felt like something wasn't there like it was in past shows. I'm not knocking Axenrot at all, I have no clue about the technical aspects of drumming and how hard it might be for him to adapt to the style of Lopez, but at times it just felt like the drumming was noticably lacking compared to the rest of the band. Also, the mix at the beginning of the show seemed to be muddled with the individual instruments hard to tell apart, so that may have contributed to my initial feeling, but I felt by the end of the show everything was spot on and the best I have seen them.

Anyways, the show was excellent and high energy, and half the time I was just watching in awe at this band. I've seen them live 5 times now, and their stage presence is just exploding. That Mikael in particular is one charming bastard. :grin:
I had a good time for my first opeth show. I enjoyed the setlist, especially since they played my current favorite, "baying of the hounds." I wish they would've played "serenity painted death," I would've cried if they did (well maybe not, but yeah).

I kind of agree with Lopez not being there, I was looking for all the dynamics, but couldn't find a whole lot. Axenrot still did a fabolous job and his drum solo was killer, almost reminded me of Jason Rullo of Symphony X.
Mudas said:
I'll be there as well. I'll be wearing a lot of black, so I'll probably stand out and you'll recognize me.

hi mudas :wave:

I was there as well, but how come I didnt see you?!

and I got to meet alot of nice people.Hello to Australian guy & her gf with Turkish dad, if they read this lol.
The only thing that could have spoiled the LA show was the 1 hour+ delay, and hearing whatever shitty band they scraped up to replace Fireball Ministry and Pelican.

Opeth was incredible, and I thought Axenrot was amazing. I can see your points about not having the same feel as Lopez, but he didn't write any of this music ... he's just doing his best to emulate.

atrocity said:
hi mudas :wave:

I was there as well, but how come I didnt see you?!

and I got to meet alot of nice people.Hello to Australian guy & her gf with Turkish dad, if they read this lol.

Hey hey, yeah you probably didn't see me because I went with a friend this time and didn't show up at my usual half a day before the show starts time, so I was near the back of the line. I'll be hitting the shows again though in February, so see you then hopefully.
how was the sound for you guys? I was behind the mixer and it was fairly decent. I loved Mikael's solo tone, downright beautiful.

who saw the car accident while waiting in line? Or the bum who was kicked out of the club and the entire emergency team in LA came to take him away?
Didn't have a problem with the drumming really. Maybe just a few of Lopez' flourishes here and there were missing, but it didn't ruin the songs. The tempo was noticeably slower on "Bleak" and "When" than on the albums, but it sounded natural, like they wanted to play them that way.
one thing that doesn't really bother me, but just wanted point out to Mikael and Peter: DOWNPICK THOSE RIFFS!!!!! lol

I saw them alternate picking riffs that can be downpicked like the part after the really depressing interlude after the solo.
longfalcon13 said:
i'm looking forward to it. i'll be the guy with glasses and a grey bloodbath shirt.

I saw you, i was with my gf a couple people behind you with a nevermore dreaming neon black shirt....I saw the Arcturus guy too hehe...awesome show though, best band i've seen live
ahnkou said:
I saw you, i was with my gf a couple people behind you with a nevermore dreaming neon black shirt....I saw the Arcturus guy too hehe...awesome show though, best band i've seen live

Yeah i think i remember you... did you happen to see that guy in the immortal shirt with the boots? he was hilarious.

I was behind the mixer too. i got a good view of the sound guy as he worked. i don't know much about live mixing so i can't comment, but some other guy yelled at him that he was ruining it, and the sound guy told him to fuck off. it was classic.
longfalcon13 said:
Yeah i think i remember you... did you happen to see that guy in the immortal shirt with the boots? he was hilarious.

I was behind the mixer too. i got a good view of the sound guy as he worked. i don't know much about live mixing so i can't comment, but some other guy yelled at him that he was ruining it, and the sound guy told him to fuck off. it was classic.

I saw that too. I was behind the mixer at the farthest end to the right. Pretty much behind the guy who was complaining about the mix.
BreathingShadow said:
i was in the very front against the barrier, i was the cool one with the arcturus shirt

I think I saw you. Were you inside the HOB restaurant? I saw a guy with an arcturus shirt passed by when I was having dinner. I was the guy with an Immortal shirt I was kicking in the bar during the whole show. Awesome show by the way.