Question for People at the Pittsburgh Show


New Metal Member
Feb 19, 2006
First of all, it was a great show. I got my tix on Thurs evening, and I had to drive to Mr. Smalls to do it b/c all the local outlets were sold out. Thankfully I'm only 15 min away. And when I got to the show, I found a parking space on the street a block away, so huzzah. And it was damn cold out (a fact not lost on Mikael), so not having to walk far was good.

And speaking of getting to the show...

WTF was up with the short Devin Townsend Band set?! It seems like they only played 2 songs, for a total of 15 min. Doors were supposed to open at 7, with music starting at 8, right?. We got to the venue around 7:40, and walked in right around 8; DTB were already playing. We were surprised when they finished up so soon, but the guy behind me said that apparently DTB took the stage at 7:30...?

On the way out, I asked someone from the venue what the deal was, and she said that there's no way DTB could have gone on that early since doors weren't really open yet (what, people had to wait in that weather for 40 min?!). She said that the schedule did have DTB from 7:45 - 8:15, but they got a late start, and maybe they stopped at 8:15 anyway to keep the whole show on schedule.

And why did the ticket say 8, anyway, if one of the bands was going to go on early? I hate when venues can't get the start of the ENTIRE show - not just the main players - straight. My friend felt totally let down b/c she really wanted to see DTB, and if they did in fact start early, I'll probably let someone at the venue know that it's not cool to advertise a start time and then change it (both DTB and DT are listed on the ticket, so it's not like it was a start time for Opeth and "main support" DT).

So, does anyone know A) what the deal was with the playing time, and B) what songs DTB actually played (a quick look at cduniverse and the snippets there makes me think I heard Vampira and Vampolka)?

Here are the set lists, for anyone who's interested:

DARK TRANQUILITY (grabbed off the band's forum)
The Wonders at Your Feet
Lost to Apathy
The Treason Wall
Damage Done
The New Build
Punish My Heaven
My Negation
Final Resistance

OPETH (what I knew and what Mikael announced)
Ghost of Perdition
White Cluster
The Amen Corner
The Baying of the Hounds
Closure (extended and "metalized")
Under the Weeping Moon
The Grand Conjuration
The Leper Affinity
Deliverance (Encore)
Sorry to hear about the DTB problems. I hope they play more then 15 min when i see them tuesday (with DT, and Opeth.) Expecially after sitting through that torture known as Into Enternity last time,heh.

Regardless of the problems. THANKS FOR POSTING THE SETLIST! Looks to be really awesome!
zappafrank said:
OPETH (what I knew and what Mikael announced)
Ghost of Perdition
White Cluster
The Amen Corner
The Baying of the Hounds
Closure (extended and "metalized")
Under the Weeping Moon
The Grand Conjuration
The Leper Affinity
Deliverance (Encore)

You forgot all the classic rock he kept playing and making the crowd guess at. :rock:
On the way out, I asked someone from the venue what the deal was, and she said that there's no way DTB could have gone on that early since doors weren't really open yet (what, people had to wait in that weather for 40 min?!). She said that the schedule did have DTB from 7:45 - 8:15, but they got a late start, and maybe they stopped at 8:15 anyway to keep the whole show on schedule.

I checked my phone right when DTB started and finished their set, they did in fact play from 7:45-8:15, almost on the dot. As to why it's such a short set? well, Opeth was on stage for nearly two hours, and that's really not all that hard for Opeth. I'd imagine any band opening or supporting them recognizes how easily their set can become lengthy, and wouldn't expect to be playing all that long. It WAS bs tho, that Smalls listed start time as 8, yet obviously planned for DTB to go on at quarter til...
And thanks for the set list, I do believe it's complete....
I absolutely could not believe they played Under the Weeping Moon!
The DTB set list at the show was this:

Doesnt look too big, but is a normal opening band set. You missed out man, sorry about that.
I was at the Pittsburgh show. First off, whoever said the sound was bad at Mr. Small's is 100% right. The stage was set up at normally where the altar would be in a church. I don't know if anybody noticed but way up on the sides of the venue(where the windows would be) they had door slabs hanging infront of the windows. What the Fuck!! Simply the worst acoustics in any venue I have ever been. That said, the Devin T B set was way too short, but excellent. Dark Tran-- did not impress me that much. when Opeth took the stage, the music and atmosphere went to a completely(higher) level. I have seen many musicians in my time,but I am hard-pressed to remember that much raw power and energy emanating from a stage. Akerfeldt is one of the best guitarists working today. The whole band was in top form. I especially liked the drummer filling in for Lopez, the dude from BloodBath, I forget his name. Anyway, during their encore I could feel my girlfriends little "cooch" getting wet. She says it was the vibrations from Opeth's music, and of course, being with me. MUST see Opeth again, just in a better venue. "All Hail the Mighty Opeth." Pecae.:lol: :kickass:
EternalMetal said:
The DTB set list at the show was this:

Doesnt look too big, but is a normal opening band set. You missed out man, sorry about that.

God I'm so fucking mad I have to see devil driver instead of this :yell:
I absolutely agree!! Opeth was at 110% last night. Mike is just amazing, but I was a little dissipointed with the venue and the acoustics. DTB was ausome but Dark Tranquility played too long in my opinion. Fuckin froze my ass of waiting in line as well!!
Thanks to all for the info about DTB.

Although it might not seem like a big deal, I'm definitely gonna let someone at Mr. Smalls know that if it was known way ahead of time that DTB was gonna go on early (not just hours before doors opened), it's not cool to advertise the show starting at 8; some people (like me and my friend) thought we had plenty of time to get in by getting there at 7:40. when in fact by the time we got in, we had missed 1/2 of the DTB set.

If they're not able to go back in to the computer and change the info that gets printed on the ticket, they should at least make a change to the website, which is totally doable. I'm actually kinda miffed b/c my friend *really* wanted to see DTB, and was feeling sick later in the show and had to leave and wait in the car before Opeth, so she basically had a wasted evening from her point of view.

I'm one of those people who appreciates the opening bands as much as the main, b/c sometimes it's the only chance to see them (I've never had a chance to see Fates Warning except for when they came around with Queensryche and Dream Theater in 2003, for example, so I made damn sure I was there early enough to catch them).

I won't be a dick about it, but I'll definitely let Mr. Smalls know that more than one person felt kinda ripped off with the early set time.
fikkshun said:
I checked my phone right when DTB started and finished their set, they did in fact play from 7:45-8:15, almost on the dot. As to why it's such a short set? well, Opeth was on stage for nearly two hours, and that's really not all that hard for Opeth. I'd imagine any band opening or supporting them recognizes how easily their set can become lengthy, and wouldn't expect to be playing all that long. It WAS bs tho, that Smalls listed start time as 8, yet obviously planned for DTB to go on at quarter til...
And thanks for the set list, I do believe it's complete....
I absolutely could not believe they played Under the Weeping Moon!

When I said "why the short set" was, I said it only in relation to them going on at 8, and not in general. I was expecting around the usual 30 - 40 min for a band serving as a 3rd band, and was surprised when I got only 15 (but now I know I would have gotten 30 if Mr. Small's had had the right info out there).
Opeth played The Amen Corner and The Leper Affinity?!?! thats insane! Sorry to hear about missing DTB, thats pretty shitty when you expect theyre gonna play at 8 but instead started on 7.45...shame on the bitches who are behind this!
Mikael played stuff from Whitesnake, something like a riff or two and said 'thats your share of cock rock for today..'.

'You guys wanna hear some good rock n roll tunes...?' and started playing Tom Petty's free falling and Lynnard Skynnard's Sweet Home Alabama.

Then, he said, 'well lets get a little heavier' and started Grand Conjuration...:grin: