DTB members ....what are they doing ?


Aug 25, 2003
I'm curious as to what everyone in the DTB is doing while DTB is'nt doing anything ! I know Devin is busy producing a couple albums and recording these solo recordings, to be sold online-only thru hevydevy, plus a million other things probably ! LOL ! I don't think Dev ever rest's.I've also noticed, thru his website, that Ryan is pretty busy outside his involvement with the DTB. I'm really curious to hear the session work he is going to do on Christofer Malmstrom's (Darkane) solo album which has Gustaf Hielm from Meshuggah playing bass and Russell Burgquist's (Annihilator Bassist) solo album too.

Anyone know what the other DTB guy's are doing, while Dev and Ryan are doing their projects and what have you ? Anyone heard of Devin mentioning an E.T.A. for the next DTB record ? Having DTB and SYL out of commission at the same time plainly sucks ! I need something to look forward to !!!
all4dametal said:
Anyone know what the other DTB guy's are doing, while Dev and Ryan are doing their projects and what have you ? Anyone heard of Devin mentioning an E.T.A. for the next DTB record ? Having DTB and SYL out of commission at the same time plainly sucks ! I need something to look forward to !!!

Ryan does tons of sessiopns and play with GAP
Dave and Mike play with "ten ways from sunday", Also Dave young recently joined Evenlight, the other band of Brian Wadell .

Evenlight hasn't play a show for two years, but when the can hang together they will record something new....They have a first release but no record deal