DTB reviews (live, cds) request


Jun 12, 2002
Hey you fans !!!
If you have DTB live reviews from the actual tour, or from the "all in the family" tour send them in. Same thing if you find AE reviews. I work on the new HDR, I found new Devin interviews but "live" reviews are missing. As the new site is DTB / DT projects oriented, we want to add more DTB stuff...

For the live pics, I seek Dev's pics from 2000 to 2003. For this year the gallery is almost complete. I also have a bunch of pics to check for 2002. It would be interesting to get live pics of Dev (good quality) from 2000 and 2001.
If you want to help, mail me, I'll credit you of course

For the Biography section, Dev will seek for more old pics to send me, but if you have pics from Vai and early SYL era you know what to do...

thanks to you alll
btw...Anyone here almost received the christmas card ? let me know what you think about it dudes !!!
Here's one from me, from the Toad's Place show last night.

The Devin Townsend Band is fucking KILLER live. They had a very Pink Floyd kind of vibe, where you could feel comfortable headbanging OR sitting and taking in the atmosphere and still feel like you were getting the most out of the show. Devin's lead tone and vocals were killer, the rest of the band was very tight and their drummer is a groove monster, doing lots of intricate and cool cymbal work.Devin's frontman persona was very sarcastic but laid back at the same time, sometimes displaying a frenetic side (playing the guitar behind his head, thrusting his crotch into the crowd) and at one point he said, "My nipples are hard for you, Toad's!" By the way, he's a MUCH better guitar player than I thought he was. I mean you have to be good if you play with Steve Vai... but with his extended solo spot and the chords he was playing while singing (looked to have some ninths and other upper register intervals in there) I got a whole new image of him. His lead tone is AMAZING, so smooth, chorused and spacy. It was like a Gilmour meets Vai kind of thing, shredding with taste and melody.

The highlights of his set were definitely Earth Day and the extended version of Away going into the solo section of Deep Peace.

After his show I waited around for a while while the band had to carry their own(!) stuff off the stage. I talked to Ryan Vanpoderyooen (the drummer) for a while, and he signed my Accelerated Evolution book, then other people ended up using my sharpie to get their signatures! Then Devin came out. The man is very cool and mellow, which is quite a contrast to his aggressive stage persona. We chatted for about 10 minutes and he signed my Ocean Machine, Terria and Accelerated Evolution books. I got to tell him how I brought Terria into the hospital with me and how his music changed my life, he seemed humbled. Once again, everyone else used my marker.

After that, the rest of the band came out and they all signed my AE booklet and then made use of the marker once again. They were all very down-to earth, cool guys, particularly the second guitarist.

Seventh Wave
Earth Day
Away/Deep Peace
Bad Devil

Afterwards Symphony X went on, and I was only familiar with a few of their songs (and know only the titles of the others thatw ere told to me by a few friends I'd just made) so I know they played Evolution, Sea of Lies, Smoke and Mirrors and encored with The Odyssey. They were a really tight band, very heavy and intense and Russell Allen's stage presence is very strong. Mike Lepond's bass playing was a highlight for me, because I didn't know he was such a groove-oriented player, and I LOVE the groove.

At the end of the show I caught one of Romeo's picks, and one of the new friends I'd made paid me a buck for it. Hell, I don't care. I grabbed copies of Infinity and Twilight in Olympus before I left.
I was at that show too, spent about 10 minutes talking to Devin afterwards, really great guy. He is very humble and nice, considering how intense he is on stage. I also spoke to Ryan for a bit, who is also an incredibly nice guy. The show was awesome, Symphony X was ok but they did the same old thing that they always do.
No, I'm the one who's girlfriend went to your high school;) Whats up Toby, I never got to thank you for getting that Opeth cd signed, very cool. But about the show, I can't possibly say enough about how awesome the band was, and how amazingly nice they were, even with a bunch of people trying to talk to them while they were breaking down their gear.
oldlyonfreak said:
I don't know, I only know that they are printed
i got my christmas card today. :Spin: but i don't think, that it's your design. it's a picture of devin and on the back there is the line "goofy devin BY devin".

anyway, it's quite FUNNY (and happy and ... JOY!!!!):rock:
simbelmyne said:
i got my christmas card today. :Spin: but i don't think, that it's your design. it's a picture of devin and on the back there is the line "goofy devin BY devin".

anyway, it's quite FUNNY (and happy and ... JOY!!!!):rock:
Let me explain you something. HDR asked me to design the HDR christmas card and they loved the result that is available on my homepage http://www.geoffreyrousselot.com, in the "visual" section.

Unfortunally the card was too sombre for Dev's mood now and he wanted to send something "lighter"... He mailed me a few days ago to tell me that he still loves the image and that we will use it for something else...

that' s the whole story about that card...I'm proud of it anyway and it's cool that one more time they asked me to design something for them...nice people
oldlyonfreak said:
Let me explain you something. HDR asked me to design the HDR christmas card and they loved the result that is available on my homepage http://www.geoffreyrousselot.com, in the "visual" section.

Unfortunally the card was too sombre for Dev's mood now and he wanted to send something "lighter"... He mailed me a few days ago to tell me that he still loves the image and that we will use it for something else...

that' s the whole story about that card...I'm proud of it anyway and it's cool that one more time they asked me to design something for them...nice people

wow, congratulations to your hp. really nice and awesome images, man!!!
and the christmas card would have looked great too. quite melancholic (if you can describe a picture with that word).
so, devin is in a too good mood for that sort of picture at the moment??
simbelmyne said:
wow, congratulations to your hp. really nice and awesome images, man!!!
and the christmas card would have looked great too. quite melancholic (if you can describe a picture with that word).
so, devin is in a too good mood for that sort of picture at the moment??

No that's the contrary, he wanted to send something lighter just because the end of this year is not cool for him...And thanks for your words about my Homepage, glad you like it !!!