Aural MUsic Newsletter - January 2005


May 10, 2002
imola - italy



we are happy to announce that Mine[thorn] from UK signed a deal with code666.
Formed in 1999, Mine[thorn]’s larval stage was that of a brutal black/death metal hybrid band that performed a few gigs and fell dormant. It was in this period that The Axis of Perdition side-project came into life, but in the clotted bio mass and tangle of cables left over from the birth of blood and rust. something twitched, fed and grew and the current incarnation of Mine[thorn] was dragged into existence. Melding together ambient and industrial soundscaping, concrete heavy guitars with pounding percussion at times mechanistic others tribal, Mine[thorn] call what they create ‘Bio mechanical disturbance metal’ the sound of city sized slabs of living ancient alien machinery descending from the sky and grinding across the face of the planet consuming all life to replace it with more of their own.

Mine[thorn] draw their main inspiration from the industrial sprawl and urban deterioration of their native Teeside in northeast England as well as a plethora of writers and films harbour no particular spiritual, political or musical alliances Mine[thorn] simply wish to create music that is both crushingly heavy and rich with visual identity.

Mine[thorn] : The sound of a 21st century city sized migraine

code666 is a sublabel of Aural Music.





March 28th, 2005... The Axis of Perdition are taking you further in, whether you like it or not, in a more conceptually structured nightmare than before, following a sole character imprisoned in and navigating the dark labyrinth of the "Transition Hospital" (first alluded to on the previous mini-album "physical illucinations in the sewer of xuchilbara"), drawn inexorably towards his own ultimate revelatory terror. A more expansive, epic and vivid journey into their own unutterable darkness than they have attempted before, "Deleted Scenes..." sees the band more drenched in dark ambience than ever, the guitars more abstract and warped into unpleasant shapes, the vocals as cathartic and painful as ever. You have been warned: It just gets worse, and it's NEVER OVER...

code666 is a sublabel of Aural Music.

I remember having downloaded a few tracks (which I found good, not great, but "different") from soundclick , but theses samples have vanished.
Souns promising (as always?) , but fuck now I'm more intrigued than I was before this was announced :loco:
The samples have been taken down cos they sucked soundwise, the greatest boon / worst drawback of having your own studio is that you can constatnly refine your sound and technique and we work at this so much that what was a fantastic sound one week is pale in comparison to what we have the next week, we are perfectionists and cannot release even a rough demo mp3 untill it sounds *just* right wich is probobly more irritating for us than any one else. Also our material is quite diverse ( in terms of ultra heavy metal ) so no one track gives a good representation of all the material thats getting worked on for the album and this is another niggle for us, regardless of that an mp3 and website should be up and running within the next week.
I've been heavily interested in industrial oriented music lately, and this sounds quite promising. I get the feeling it could be a cross bewteen the less blackmetal elements of Axis,fused with the more bludgeoning aspects of Godflesh. That would be cool as hell, but something different and less expected is always welcome. The new Axis sounds pretty deep as well...are you guys moving more into noisier teritory with tbis one?

And also, to jump to an unrelated topic, Century Media has a new SYL track up for download. It's pretty badass imho. :rock:


does that mean soundclick isnt working for you, ive been recomended other such music hosters but that one always seemed to be ok to me?
king crimson? the name is kind of familier but i dont think i have heard any, is there anything by them you would recomend ?
just when the solo starts thats what popped into my head
did you play it?

very old band with robert fripp
the early stuff is very progged out, ' the court of the crimson king' is much lauded from that era. I prefer the more recent ...well 80's onward stuff

check out 'thrak', 'red' and 'the power to believe'

some of its pretty heavy almost mathcore in structure
yeah i did the solo it was a one take jobby just pressed record and went for it hence a few bum notes but i thought it sounded ok so i left. will check out king crimson i dont mind a bit of prog when im in the mood
Tetsuo unit said:
well any one interested in minethorn can now visit:

where you will find an mp3 demo sample, this particular song (still to be named) is our radio friendly pop tune by comparison

I really dig that tune. It does remind me of Axis, but more refined and pummeling. I like repetition in my music, something from the techno world, plus some darkenss thrown in.

Like someone else already said, there are some elements in there that sound Godflesh like ... which is not a bad thing either.

Would like to hear more.
Godflesh are not one of our favourite bands...honest ;)
we wont be putting anynew music up for a wee while, still finishing the latest axis ( only few days and it will be last!)

unhinged - i shall take up your offer on those cd's just as soon as i have time to breath :)