auralex sound foam


Dec 18, 2009
Im looking to do some treatment for my vocal booth which is also a bathroom. The room is pretty small.

I have two questions.

Do i have to worry about the heat and moisture from the shower damaging the auralex?

And what are some good places to put it?

are you saying you have been recording vocals in a bathroom thats not even treated? why are you using the bathroom anyway? is it soundproof or something? im thinking this has got to be the worst place to record vocals in the house. Im also sure that condensation would soak into the treatment and it wouldnt work. and probably smell like shit after a week! bad idea. is there nowhere else to record vocals? even a shed would be better!! :D
I picked the bathroom because its isolated from everything else and i dont have to worry about the mic picking up random noises, like a furnace.
Could i use velcro on the back of them?

Or how else could i mount them

I think im going to make the corner like in the real traps portable booth and find a way to temporarily attach them to the corner of the wall and shower
it's easier to make movable gobos IMO. Why you'd ever want to have foam stay in your bathroom is beyond me. Even if it would last, why you would want to do it is beyond me...Aside from that, I would hesitate to say that the bathroom would give many good vibes, haha.
I thought it would be easier to just mount it once and then leave it. Plus it will minimize the reverb from when the poop hits the water
i dont really think i have too bad of a problem with reflections

heres a song i did, both vocals are done with a nady condenser. I threw a lot of reverb on the clean vocals on purpose is Forgotten.mp3

It sounds like it was recorded in a bathroom, hate to tell you.

If you absolutely refuse to listen I'd suggest building a frames out 18mm x 100mm timber and stuffing them with rigid fibreglass insulation (RW45 or OC703), spraying them with a mixture of pva and water and then covering them in fabric. Add legs and you have some portable gobo's.

Don't use auralex, it's expensive and it's absorbtion coefficient is no where near that of rigid fibreglass insulation. It'll absorb smells and moisture if left in the bathroom as other people have said.

Hope that helps you out a bit :)
i guess you guys just have wayyy better ears than me. I already bought the auralex i got it cheap off craigslist. i figured out if i throw a huge blanket in the shower and set up the auralex as a sheild behind the mic it absorbs the echoes nicely.

I havent done a band yet bet when i do ill post it to see if it makes a difference