Australian man jailed for satanic slaughter of goat in church


My Larpstyle determines my Derpstyle
Sep 6, 2006
Arse End
A HEAVY metal rock band member was jailed today for his part in a Friday the 13th satanic ritual in which a pet goat was killed at a suburban Brisbane church.

Scott Peter Romano admitted there had probably been some type of satanic ritual involved in killing the goat, named "Maddie" but denied he had actually taken part in it.

However, Judge Kerry O'Brien wasn't moved and sentenced Romano to 12 months' jail, with parole after four months, which was twice what the prosecution had sought.

"Any right-thinking member of the community would find the behaviour bizarre and completely senseless. The only conclusion I can draw is it was some form of ritual," he said.

He detailed how the group bought a pocket disposable camera and a woman was photographed with her pants down rubbing her genitals on the goat's head.

Another group member was seen to take a bite of flesh out of the goat's head.

Mr Robson said police eventually tracked Romano to the home of a woman, Tracey Arnold, where they found the decapitated head of the goat in a feezer.

They also found a gravestone, weapons and animal skulls which "indicated" an interest in the occult.

Mr Robson said police questioned Romano, who initially claimed he was playing with his rock band - Mortal Sin and Misery - at a city hotel at the time but later admitted he was at a party at Bellbowrie on the night.

Full article

What a stupid moron. :erk:
all involved (including the judge) are fucking morons

why does everything have to be a satanic ritual? why cant it be just a stupid prank
^Why? :erk:

And I think it was sick, but why so much attention to the fact that there were "occult interests?" This should have no bearing on the premises. It should deal only with the destruction and vandalization of private property. The fact that they were arrested partly due to their interest in the occult or satanism or whatever only frustrates me. This shows how much Christianity still has its grips in our world, and it shouldn't. Gods, I'm just getting pissed off right now. Those guys were stupid, but I'm still upset at the way that article was written.
They should be glad mr Romano didn't burn it. Pussies. Also he is an idiot and would deserve it if it didn't cost money to hold the trial and keep him in jail and clean up the church.
^Why? :erk:

And I think it was sick, but why so much attention to the fact that there were "occult interests?" This should have no bearing on the premises. It should deal only with the destruction and vandalization of private property. The fact that they were arrested partly due to their interest in the occult or satanism or whatever only frustrates me. This shows how much Christianity still has its grips in our world, and it shouldn't. Gods, I'm just getting pissed off right now. Those guys were stupid, but I'm still upset at the way that article was written.
The news executives see that kind of story and think only of how it would shock and titillate audiences. Playing up the "Satan" angle instead of the "destruction of private property and cruelty to animals" angle means more readers or higher ratings.
What band is he in? The artice says "Romano, who initially claimed he was playing with his rock band - Mortal Sin and Misery - " but that sounds like a load of bull to me - possibly his band had a gig booked with those two (excellent) bands? Or maybe he does stuff with both but the internet doesn't know it? Enlighten me!
I would assume the media thought he was playing IN those bands when he was probably mentioning them because he was playing ALONGSIDE them...
I'm not against religion or anything but I thought about taking some red food coloring and driping it down the face (from the eyes) of the Virgin Mary statue to see what would happen.