
and speaking of emotional music , i just whacked on john martyns solid air cd. Someone should have played that to opeth so the'yd know what a 70s acoustic rock album should sound like
its not just 70's rock, they did their mellow thing and yeah it turns out to be simelar to 70's prog rock. scumbag. :mad:
Mariner said:
its not just 70's rock, they did their mellow thing and yeah it turns out to be simelar to 70's prog rock. scumbag. :mad:

Its pretty dull tho, It just proved to me what i guessed before, they write good music but they aint great songwriters.
Bambi said:
Its pretty dull tho, It just proved to me what i guessed before, they write good music but they aint great songwriters.

But I just don't get it: if they write good music, how can it be they're not good songwriters? For me the two are basically the same.
i know a lot of good musicians, but the ability to write memorable songs is completely different to that. Thats why the distinction between writers and performers existed up till the modern era. I mean, sinatra was a great singer but i bet he never wrote a decent song.
Bambi said:
i know a lot of good musicians, but the ability to write memorable songs is completely different to that. Thats why the distinction between writers and performers existed up till the modern era. I mean, sinatra was a great singer but i bet he never wrote a decent song.

That's fair enough but you didn't say first that they were good musicians but that they write good music but not good songs.
fucking pedants :lol:

fair nuff boss, but I think theres a difference between good music and a good song, good songs are'nt always great musically and vice versa

Actually shaggit, im wrong. I'm completely and utterly wrong. Mea mudderfuking Culpa. Opeth are great. Opeth are fanfuckingtastic. Opeth are bleedin rapid. Opeth write amazing songs. each time . every time. :ill: :ill: :ill:

*surrenders and joins the sponky eyed masses of 'Opeless zombies*
well yeah bambi. youre still a scumbag :mad:
opeth are making enjoyable music for many people. so yaya whatever......
i'll never denied the inherent scumbagginess of my nature, :lol: but that doesnt change the fact that opeths last effort is somewhat lacking in everything but mood.

And you watcha yo mouth you calla me scumbag :(
damn foo' :lol: