Avatar and Signature Rating

Yes...yes it is


Ava- 8/10 looks like something done by travis smith or something
Sig- 8/10 Looks like a character from an H.P. Lovecraft story or something (remember those Scary Stories books? Looks like something out of one of those)
8/10, love the avatar.
7/10 for the signature.

And it IS something from the scary stories book, guy. His avatar too.
thanks, no lordy

Hm! I guess I was right! I haven't read one of those books since I was in...elementary school. haha.

Ava- 8/10
Sig- 10/10 because of the how to punish bad children thing...great
Av = 7. sweet, simple, not stupid.
Sig = 9 for lol at IRC.
Personally, I think many peoples sigs are way too big,
it sucks when all you do is reply with a smiley or something
and you have to see a huge sig.
So I say yes to sigs of a reasonable size! Hail! :hotjump: