avatar cab help

Feb 8, 2008
Ft Worth, TX
Ok, I decided to take a look at my 4x12 Avatar cab to see how my speakers were mounted. I noticed they were front mounted like most cabs and now want to make them rear mounted.

My problem is I can't figure out whether the back panel is supposed to come off or the front panel with the speakers attached is. I can't find any noticeable screws holding the front and back panels on except for one screw in the dead center on the front. Neither side has any give when I try to push on it to come off. Are both sides just glued to the frame? You guys got any ideas?
No Idea, but how old is your Avatar? i know they are rear mounted, at least since a few years. What model is?
there are four screw holes in the front four corners for holding the grill cloth on, and there is one screw in the center on the front which is pretty much useless.

and as you can see, no screws in the back

That´s Really weird haha, sorry i can´t help dude, but you can ask Dave from Avatar really cool dude!
And hey, do you like your Avatar?? i own two 2x12 one vintage and one traditional and really like´em, have you tried against a marshall or a mesa or some of the big guys?? i personally like more than the marshalls
Wow, that's farkin' bizarre Dan - unfortunately it's looking like the baffle (probably) and back panel (definitely) are glued on, so you're kinda stuck that way it seems! Oh well, guess it's time to hock it for a Recto cab :heh:
Damn it! The whole point was Not to buy another cab, haha. I'm thinking I could possibly saw out the back panel from and build a small frame inside to screw it back on to for future projects, but does it make a noticeable difference in sound?

BTW, I blame you Marcus for posting those pics of your mesa 2x12 cab cause that's where I got the idea :yuk:! But before I start destroying my cab, are there any threads with a comparison between front mounted and rear mounted speakers in the same cab?

FYI, I have used this cab with my 6506+ head for live shows and recording with good results, however I have not tried out different cabs so I don't know what to compare it to. When I purchased my head (already had this cab) I tried it out in a mesa cab and loved the tone (not sure if it was reco or standard)! I haven't had any problems with it, and looking at the construction on the inside it is definitely very well built! Good sound for the price as well and i'm still happy with the purchase, though in the future i will make sure at least one of panels is removable!
HAHA, wow they're screwed from the inside! there was this insulation material covering the back so you couldn't see the screws on the inside. this makes it somewhat easier.

btw, i think in the next few days i may make some clips to show the difference between rear and front mounted, and possibly with and without this insulation on the inside back panel. or do you guys think i should just leave the insulation attached?
DEFINITELY clips with and without the insulation would be appreciated, and I think they'll sound better without, cuz Mesa, Orange, and Marshall don't use any!