Avatar Overpower Arena

haha so says mr labcoat! labcoats are for gayish lifeless lab scientists that don't come out of their labs to see the sunshine often enough, and plus the coats hide their miniature crotch areas!

*dawnghost's avatar charrs like an ant under a magnifying glass outdoors*
i can't make a wolf in lady of bodom's avatar at all... wtf, it looks like a wheat storm or something

our bagpiper hero uses the paint bucket tool to paint steve420's last pixels of whiteness into black, and thus turns him into a 86x100 void of black pixels
"... in the dark of the sun, the battle has been won!!"


hey that's a fucking kickass ballad you got going on there!! \m/ to you!!

i'd kill his avatar but i liked that last post so i thought i'd spare him for this time