

Active Member
Oct 19, 2003
Wasn't sure, if I should just include this in the "Sweden rules"-topic, but decided against it, since I think Avatarium deserve a topic of their own.

The second official clip with a song from their new album "The Girl with the Raven Mask" has been released just a few days ago:

It's a bit more in the vein of the stuff on the debut album than the title track which was released already a few weeks before. The debut album is still my favourite metal album of the last couple of years and judging by the first two new songs, I'm not sure the new album will change this. But maybe I'll think differently after having heard the entire album. What's even better than the songs on the debut album are the live versions thereof. I'm not just thinking of the three live songs on the "All I Want"-EP, but also the live-stream of Avatarium's performance at this year's Rock Hard festival. I've already posted a link to an overview of all concert-streams available from this festival in another thread I started a few months ago, but here's a link leading directly to the stream of Avatarium's concert:


(It can also be found on youtube.)

Just to give an example of what I mean: The stuff guitarist Marcus Jidell plays to accompany Jennie-Ann on her acoustic guitar-parts or his solo from about 7:00 to 7:50 make "Moonhorse" even better than it already is.

Or the reminiscence of Jimi Hendrix' version of "All Along The Watchtower" in this live-version of "Tides of Telepathy" (from a different concert), starting somewhere around 6:00 or 6:30 (I'm not really sure):

Those who plan to buy the new album should opt for the digipak-edition with the bonus-DVD featuring Avatarium's concert at last year's "Hammer of Doom"-Festival.
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After the first three spins of the new album, my impression is a very good one. The album sounds a bit different from the debut, but there are still a lot of Doom influences. The first videoclip was a bit misleading as far as the musical direction of the album is concerned, because it's the only up-tempo track. I think Carl Westholm's organ is more prominent than on the debut. There are also a few jazz-influenced parts on the last song, if I'm not mistaken. I'd say there's more diversity in the songs than on their debut. My favourite song so far and IMO one of Avatarium's best is "The January Sea". Another favourite song is "Ghostlight". Interestingly (or not), I like the title track better now than I did when I listened to it for the first time.

Those who plan to buy the new album should buy the digipak-edition with the DVD of Avatarium's performance at the Hammer of Doom Festival 2014. That DVD alone is worth buying the album! It proves what I have already stated in my first post, namely that the live versions sound even better than the studio versions. And if you compare them to the versions played at this year's Rock Hard festival, you'll notice they do not sound exactly the same, thus Avatarium improvise a bit here and there, which is something I like, because it makes attending their concerts even more interesting.
Stop torturing me! I'm getting a copy in the next few weeks... :p
Stop torturing me! I'm getting a copy in the next few weeks... :p

A programme aired yesterday on the Swedish radio station P3 featured - among other things - an interview with Jennie-Ann (of course in Swedish, so you won't understand anything) and - here comes the more interesting part - 3 1/2 songs from the new album. The programme can be streamed for one month here:


The part with Avatarium starts at 1:08:13 with the new song "Run Killer Run" (which is - just like the title track - not representative of the album) and then is follow by the title track (which you already know). At 1:19:45 follows "Ghostlight" - unfortunately just the first 2-3 minutes. At 1:23:12 you can listen to the entire song "Pearls and Coffins".

Very cool clips, have to look more into this one. Thanks!
You're welcome!
A programme aired yesterday on the Swedish radio station P3 featured - among other things - an interview with Jennie-Ann (of course in Swedish, so you won't understand anything) and - here comes the more interesting part - 3 1/2 songs from the new album. The programme can be streamed for one month here:


The part with Avatarium starts at 1:08:13 with the new song "Run Killer Run" (which is - just like the title track - not representative of the album) and then is follow by the title track (which you already know). At 1:19:45 follows "Ghostlight" - unfortunately just the first 2-3 minutes. At 1:23:12 you can listen to the entire song "Pearls and Coffins".

Wow, quite a treat! Thanks a lot.

The album comes out next Friday. I have yo haul it along with Cage, Saxon and Gama Bomb. A good day for metal releases.
Here's an audio-clip of an unplugged version of "Pearls and Coffins":


(You have to "endure" a short commercial before you can listen to the song.)

After 22 spins of the new album, my favourite song is still "The January Sea", followed by "Ghostlight" and "The Master Thief".
I'm giving it a second spin right now.

The first time 'Run Killer Run' came as my favorite.