avi and i almost made up


Overly-Cryptic Jake
indieradioisdead: don changed the news headers... looks better
aviroig: i still hate you
indieradioisdead: avi, i wish we could put all this hate behind us
aviroig: NEVER
aviroig: and besides
indieradioisdead: b..but avi. think of the children
aviroig: it does look better
indieradioisdead: ...wow, this is getting out of hand
indieradioisdead: do you realize how much you sound like a 7th grader?
aviroig: no.
aviroig: no i don't.
indieradioisdead: yea, you kinda do
aviroig: because it's simply not true
indieradioisdead: can we just talk like adults?
aviroig: nope
aviroig: i mean yup
aviroig: we are now
indieradioisdead: cool
indieradioisdead: ok
aviroig: we always have been
aviroig: jerk
indieradioisdead: ...
aviroig: anyhow
indieradioisdead: see... this is what i mean
aviroig: look
aviroig: just own up to the fact that you're a jerk
indieradioisdead: i am not
indieradioisdead: why am i a jerk?
aviroig: the long hours
aviroig: the constant revisions
aviroig: the lack of love
indieradioisdead: i show you love
aviroig: when?
indieradioisdead: i say "please" and "thank you"
aviroig: bare minimum
aviroig: you just don't get it, do you?
indieradioisdead: i'll send you stuff... you like stuff right?
aviroig: um
aviroig: sometimes
aviroig: depends on what kind of stuff
indieradioisdead: ...i have IW buttons
aviroig: uh
aviroig: no
indieradioisdead: ok...
indieradioisdead: how about...
indieradioisdead: CD's?
aviroig: ...maybe
aviroig: whatcha got?
aviroig: weird CDs no one else wants?
indieradioisdead: no... i have...
indieradioisdead: ...
aviroig: ?
indieradioisdead: i don't know, i'll have to look
aviroig: you'd probably make me review em
indieradioisdead: well... that's how it works
aviroig: see, that's why you're the asshole
aviroig: I work and work and work and what do I get?
aviroig: MOrE WORK!@
aviroig: slghdfg;'gd
indieradioisdead: wha... because i have a website?
aviroig: yes
indieradioisdead: oh
aviroig: in other news,
aviroig: I get KVLR CDs tomorrow
aviroig: maybe I'll send you one
aviroig: ...maybe
indieradioisdead: i understand
indieradioisdead: SEE, you make me work
aviroig: do not
indieradioisdead: well.... when i get that CD
indieradioisdead: HEY WAIT A SECOND
indieradioisdead: I GAVE YOU FREE AD SPACE!?! AND OFFERED MP3 SPACE?!?!?!
indieradioisdead: THERE is the love
aviroig: "free"
aviroig: is the operative word
indieradioisdead: would you rather i charged you?
aviroig: un
aviroig: um
aviroig: maybe it's because I'm listening to the cold, kvlt sounds of Darkthrone
aviroig: or maybe it's the lack of water
aviroig: but I forgive you
indieradioisdead: ...forgive me?
aviroig: oh jake, please don't ruin this moment
aviroig: I forgive you!
aviroig: it's okay!
indieradioisdead: i want you dead
aviroig: oh jake
aviroig: why?
aviroig: I extended the olive branch
aviroig: and now...
aviroig: it's over
aviroig: AGAIN
on a related note, here's my recent IM with Goatschool:

aviroig: you want me to send you copies of the CD?
Auto response from goathorror: aviroig, no.
aviroig: well alright then