avi and i fight like we are married


Overly-Cryptic Jake
indieradioisdead: omgomgomg
aviroig: ?
indieradioisdead: you know grant?
aviroig: i know who he is, yeah
indieradioisdead: well, he just sent me unreleased demos of Explosions in the sky... he recorded them in his house
aviroig: oh yeah?
aviroig: new stuff?
indieradioisdead: i can't wait to listen
indieradioisdead: i don't know
aviroig: aye
indieradioisdead: UM down?
aviroig: just slooooooooooow
indieradioisdead: nm
indieradioisdead: suxor
aviroig: yup
indieradioisdead: and he sent a live silver mt zion from europe
aviroig: he works with those dudes often?
indieradioisdead: silver? or explosions?
aviroig: aren't they related?
aviroig: I don't know
aviroig: i don't listen to any of them
indieradioisdead: no... gy!be are related to silver
aviroig: like I said, I have no clue
indieradioisdead: i guess...
indieradioisdead: don't tell anyone you love music... ok?
aviroig: don't worry, I won't
aviroig: i just like different music
indieradioisdead: ...i like different music
aviroig: i listen to too much music
aviroig: and I get burnt out
indieradioisdead: that's it... you have insulted me for the last time
aviroig: oh boohoo
indieradioisdead: i'm coming out there just to fight you
aviroig: as bush would say
aviroig: BRING IT ON
indieradioisdead: ...i thought he said "LET'S ROLL"...
aviroig: that too