Awesome Backstage Photo.........

Dead_Lioness said:
recomanded in small shots for extra hangover,
or just with redbull or as a side drink with Stella Artois.

so nico. i will definatly drink from Jim's water bottle!
:lol: err... its nmot what you think, perverts.

OMG. That is my drink of choice when out: Jager shot w/a Stella. Not too many bars around here have Stella yet, tho. Damn.

Hehehe. Jim would let you drink from his water bottle too, I bet..
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Dead_Lioness said:
lillitu !

and not alot of people know the secret combination of Jeger and a Stella :D

you rule !

*steals all the liquer from Jim and leaves him with nothing*

haha. Yes, shhhhhh, it's a secret....

share? You dont' have to share. Jim would share with you....
lol :lol:

after this thread i took a Stella out of my fridge, and a shot of Jager (ok i admit, 2 shots, but dont tell anybody!) and watched Angels in America Part 1 on HBO on Demand... whoa ! o_O o_O

lillitu. you should have joined me :lol:
Damn! I should have. Alas, I was home, broke. No Stella, no Jager. Just a bottle of red wine and Headbanger's ball.Heh. Next time I am on the East Coast maybe.....
Lillitu said:
Damn! I should have. Alas, I was home, broke. No Stella, no Jager. Just a bottle of red wine and Headbanger's ball.Heh. Next time I am on the East Coast maybe.....


i had a 6 pack of stellas last night at this x-mas party i went to.
still havent decided is it was fun or not.
i guess it was, saw some cool people.

i asked the host is he has any Jager, and he asked me: "what is that?"

GRRRR $%#$%#% !!!!
FretsAflame: rule no.1 : you have to be a chick.
Precisely...i think thats one of the main reasons why we were able to talk to the guys in SF..there were two of us females...(one was underage...)
that pic is awesome but i cant see the second one..:(
Maharet said:
Precisely...i think thats one of the main reasons why we were able to talk to the guys in SF..there were two of us females...(one was underage...)
which I consider a very lame thing... a band guy talks to a guy, then the next min a chicky appears asking with a tweety voice: "how long will you stay in town?" and the band guy, becoming all :dopey: forgets that he was talking to the man who's right in front of him. witnessed that. :loco:
Tee said:
which I consider a very lame thing... a band guy talks to a guy, then the next min a chicky appears asking with a tweety voice: "how long will you stay in town?" and the band guy, becoming all :dopey: forgets that he was talking to the man who's right in front of him. witnessed that. :loco:

lol, word - but hey it happens

honestly, as a big huge virgin, i might have to excuse myself from the dude, although i wouldn't flat out ignore him - i'd just be like "excuse me, the possibility of me getting ass overrides your praise in the here and now, thanks for supporting my band, here's a free t-shirt, i'll put you on the guest list for the next show if you want but right now you have to get the heck out because i NEED this for the love of all that is holy... have a nice day"

:D lol :lol:
omg now we know where he was hiding! he was one of nevermore's roadies!