Awesome Instrumental Music from Japan!

I'm so bold... :oops:

hearth of phoenix: boring :zzz:

fly away: the bass line and piano (after the intro) are interesting, but then it turns to sound like the first song and the keyboard is nothing remarkable.... :s (wait, there's some neat guitar play later, for about 5 seconds or so :devil: )

moonlight fantasia: the same keyboard line, same song structure, how often shall I hear the same song again and again...

[I'm skipping songs]

resolution: same intro, same keyboard sound, same old song.... [they seem to like organ-sounds like in church.... :err: :p ]

ok, one more song, if it sound like all otheres, I stop it!

starlight in ebony: oh, a piano intro.... well-known keyboards.... the rhythm is a bit different than of the other songs (pop/dance-music rhythm, ey? :heh: )..... hmmm.... it's better than the other songs cos it's a bit different than the others.... but that doesn't mean it's my taste.

summing up: I wouldn't play them on purpose :p :p sorry.... :erk:
slowly I'm starting to feel like the asshole, who's criticizing all other ppl's music :s
I kinda like it. It's repetitive, but not extremely so, for me.