Awesome new Game Demos! - high bandwidth downloads

Ok i downloaded the painkiller demo it was slooow..
i already got the UT2004 demo thats bad ass
but they need to optimize the Painkiller engine more so
or i just need a new computer :(
I didn't have any problems running Painkiller, but I have a new machine. Actually I ran it at 1600x1200 with full effects, and it was smooth as butter. :dopey:

The farcry demo wouldn't render correctly on my card so I never got past what appeared to be a boatride (the boat wouldn't render). It's not my vid card, and I had the suggested 3.9 Catalyst drivers installed. *shrug*
Doom three actually looks to have a thread of intelligence in it.. not so hokey as the previous installments... Halo never did anything for me for soem reason... half life has so many mods I got bored of them all
Yes, but Half Life 2 looks like it'll be game of the year. Check out some of the gameplay vids, and it looks pretty damn realistic.

Doom 3 could be great if id software learned their lesson from Return to Wolfenstien, which is, LET A THIRD PARTY DEVELOPER make the game. id is great at making game engines, but lousy at making games...
Yea doom 3 wont be as good.. but graphic wise yea..
i got a piece of shit computer its a old Dell 4300 1.6ghz.... heh.. i only got like 5 FPS on Painkiller thru the whole thing then i got pISSED off and quit.. i cant play it at all its way to slow... i put it at super low settings still slow as fuck..
Maybe... but graphics aren't everything, the gaming engine for doom 3 looks pretty damn cool, and the storyline looks a littlem ore sophisticated than past titles.. but then again what first person shooterp layer cares abotu sotryline... half-life will probably do better without a doubt but I think Doom will work more for me
Yeah man. Watch Half-Life 2 video. Watch Doom 3 video.

Half-Life 2 looks ridiculously superior even at this early stage....not to mention of course that it's going to be released most likely half a year before Doom 3.
Doom3 is gonna be creepier though. That's what id is shooting for... less monsters, more powerful and creepy ones, and the environmental lighting, effects, and rendering look awesome... if Valve were told to make the game for Doom3, it would be great.

... BUT, look at Half Life, the Piers, the Country Road, the City scenes, they all look fantastic, and way more realistic than Doom3 ever will.

Doom3 has a great Sci-Fi look to it, but the half life 2 physics engine is totally realistic ( the steel drum pachinco machine demo with the pool owns).
Agreed; ID's aim is to scare you. I guess only time will tell how successful they are......but i'm not sure any game will ever cause me more shredded nerves than original AvP (and 2 to some degree) playing as marine.