Awesome Underground Band!!!

I'll take the time to stop listening to my new Rush album long enough to hear these guys. I'll post what I think of them after it's done downloading. I'm getting the song you said was good.

Ok, so the drums right away got my attention. The dude keeps banging something that sounds like total shit and it really loud and obnoxious. Otherwise they are decent, the singer doesn't really have that good of a voice imo, but the playing is solid, while not too inventive. I like the passage around 1:30 into the song as well as the part about 3:15 in. The bass is hardly audible however. Decent, wouldn't buy it though.
MightyDrynwhyl said:
in one of the songs theres a mistake on the guitar..

What kind of mistake? (don't want to bother listening to the shit). From a musical or technical perspective?
Oh, yeah, it was Shame. But that song was remarkable at first listen, anyway. Trying to be Pantera with death vocals.

I'm talking about the two melodic tracks.
Oh, shit. I'm sorry. I really meant to say UNremarkable. It was a typo. I did thin kthat was a weaker song.
Then it wouldn't be a mistake.. It would be a fuck-up. That's different. A mistake is when you play out of key, or get in the wrong rhytm (and that would be a fuck-up, as well, in a way)..

Anyway, I didn't hear it. You sure it's on shame?

The vocals are kinda annoying (both clean and harsh).. and the guitar sound is too garage-like (well, no wonder here, but still). Though the opening for Envy's pretty good...
I'm just glad more American kids are trying the Gothenburg sound, because it's starting to die over there...