Metal Price Watch - Compare underground metal prices

It would be nice to have the option to view all search results on a single page. In this age of high resolution monitors and high speed internet connections I don't think large lists are cumbersome. I was searching for Sabbat releases which is a major pain when everything Black Sabbath ever released, which every distro carries, is included in the results. Of course an exact match only type search would solve this problem too, but I personally prefer to have everything laid out in front of me at once. I would also be paranoid that in an exact match search any minor spelling error on behalf of the distro would cause the release I am looking to be excluded from the results leading me to potentially miss out on the best price.
This is really nit-picking, but it would be nice if when you click on search result to take you to the distro website, it opens in a new window. Well done, it's a really good idea, make sure you keep it going!
This is really nit-picking, but it would be nice if when you click on search result to take you to the distro website, it opens in a new window. Well done, it's a really good idea, make sure you keep it going!

All the cool people use Firefox with a three button mouse. (Middle click any link and it opens in a new tab.)
I agree with whoever made the suggestion about out of stock CD's. There needs to be something that indicates that before you click on the link to the distro site.