The 10 most expensive black metal albums.

How exactly do collectors ruin it for everybody?

By driving the price of a CD or LP to astronomical levels. Hardcore collectors horde multiple copies of a single album so the demand increases, and bam! There you have it: overpriced music. The bands and labels aren't making any money off the collector's market, so they have no reason to reissue these albums. Collectors eat shit. It's the same with LP's, CD's, sports cards, CCG cards, comic books, anime DVD's, you name it. It's just a fucking money sucking scam.
Let's say they press 2k albums and its takes a year for them to be gone. If it takes a year and a half for the band to be in higher demand and people start paying 100$ an album, I doubt the label even notices, because the band sold so few to begin with. Everyone wants the quick cash.
By driving the price of a CD or LP to astronomical levels. Hardcore collectors horde multiple copies of a single album so the demand increases, and bam! There you have it: overpriced music. The bands and labels aren't making any money off the collector's market, so they have no reason to reissue these albums. Collectors eat shit. It's the same with LP's, CD's, sports cards, CCG cards, comic books, anime DVD's, you name it. It's just a fucking money sucking scam.

You do realize that the majority of the records in the list are easily and cheaply available in and other online stores, do you? That they are only expensive when they are limited editions and have a high historic value?
How much would you pay for a signed Peyton Manning game football? A jersey? People see these as 'collector's items' and that's why they spend so much on them. Ask the same question of why people pay hundreds of dollars for signed Pete Rose merchandise, for example.

I don't need a football or game jersey signed by Peyton to make myself feel better, and I sure as hell won't spend thousands of dollars for it. If I was super rich I probably wouldn't give a fuck, but that's not the reality of the situation.
Do you know that you can get RATM's entire disco for £17.99. I dunno if that's relevant but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.

Christ, there's a whole lot of retarded going on in this thread. Collectors/collecting/collectables have absolutely no bearing on the retail price of albums, nor do they have any bearing on the current state of music piracy. Collecting rarities is an extremely small niche and nearly all albums that are collectible have been re-issued anyway.
Well, duh. That still doesn't make the collector's market any less of a scam.

Where's the scam? If something is rare, it becomes more desirable, and certain people will pay more for it. Others will spend time trying to find rare things cheap. It's a hobby, like any other.
I once paid about $60 for, Countess - Ad Maiorem Sathanae Gloriam. That is the only 'omg I paid a lot for that album" moment I can recall.