10 essential black metal albums

Manumit said:
I think Therion has something to do with Hell but I'm not sure. Maybe another name for Hell? I'm sure somebody knows.

Perhaps... maybe a reference to Dante's Inferno? It's always mentioned by bands that are into the black arts too, like scrying and divination and conjuration and such. Bands with Hermetic/Kaos themes are prone to mentioning it too.

*still stumped*
Here's my list in no particular order:

Emperor - Anthems to the welkin at dusk
Marduk - Nightwing
Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
Dawn - Slaughtersun
Dark Funeral - Secrets of the dark arts
Cradle of filth - Vempire
Immortal - Damned In Black
Satyricon - Nemesis Divina
Mayhem - Grand Declaration of war
Eclipse Eternal - Self titled demo (shameless self promotion)
Emperor - In The Nightshade Eclipse

Satyricon - Nemisis Divina

Cradle Of Filth - Dusk And Her Embrace

Cradle Of Filth - Vempire Or Dark Fairytales In Phallustein

Ulver - Bergtatt

Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant

Borknager - Borknager

Burzum-Hvis Lyset Tar Oss

Marduk - Nightwing

Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk
Dark Funeral - In The Sign...
Wow, at first I was afraid to bring up Dimmu or Cradle in a black metal thread...

Cradle Of Filth- Damnation and a Day
Dimmu Borgir- Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
Dimmu Borgir- Death Cult Armageddon
Emperor- Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Estuary of Calamity- The Sentencing
Goatwhore- The Eclipse of Ages Into Black
Satyricon- Rebel Extravaganza
Mayhem - Deathcrush
Burzum - Det Some Engang Var
Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times
Massemord - Skogen Kaller (anyone else check this band out?)
Taake - ...Bjoergvin...
Darkthrone - A Blaze In The Northern Sky
Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
Immortal - Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
Borknagar - The Olden Domain

That's just right now, it often changes..
Emperor - in The Nightside Eclips
Bathory - Blood, Fire, Death
Darkthrone - Transsilvian Hunger
Immortal - At The Heart of Winter
Satyricon - Nemesis Divina
Enslaved - Frost
Dimmu Borgir - For All Tid
Mayhem - De Mysteriis dom Sathanas
Thorns - s/t
Burzum - Aske
Not hugely into black metal, but here we go...In no order...

1. Darkthrone - A Blaze In The Northern Sky
2. Darkthrone - Transylvanian Hunger
3. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
4. Satyricon - Nemesis Divina
5. Ulver - Bergtatt
6. Enslaved - Blodhemn
7. Emperor - Anthems to the welkin at Dusk
8. Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
9. Absu - Tara
10. Dissection - The Somberlain
What's so special about Burzum's "Aske", when excluding its symbolical value? It's only got 3 tracks, and one of them is even an instrumental.

@ DG: I haven't heard about "Massemord", (it's "Mass murder" in Norwegian, by the way). What kind of BM do they perform?
Hm, first let me say that in my opinio Varg has made only two good albums Aske and of course Det Som Engang Var.
My list is made of what I think to be the most classic albums in BM and there Aske seems a better choice.
Black metal isn't really my "thing" but my favourites are:

Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black
Mercyful Fate - Don't Break the Oath
Moonblood - Blut und Krieg
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Summoning - Dol Guldur
Bathory - Under the sign of the Black Mark
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var
Countess - The Return Of The Horned One
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Graveland - Thousand swords

Blackened Thrash:
Destroyer 666 - Unchain the Wolves
Gospel of the Horns - A Call to Arms
TheNooseInYourEmptySoul said:
Yea, that is a great fucking album. I sort of miss the fact that Behemoth have begun to steer to a more death metal sound. Don't get me wrong, they're still a great fucking band, but I miss songs like From the Pagan Vastlands and Moonspell Rites etc.

I'm trying to get ahold of their first ever demo tape. I heard it was horrible quality but it'd be great to own just because. Anyone know where to look? I hear there's only like a thousand copies :S

yeah i like their "new" death meatl style as well, inferno's drumming is killer, and i think that nergal handles both black- and death vox really well. their lyrics are cool as well, even though i can't say i understand it all, though i'm trying to increase my knowledge of the occult and similar subjects :P

well keep an eye out on ebay, i saw their second the demo for sale on german ebay some time ago, can't really recall the reason i had for not buying it... oh well. btw, one song from the endless damnation demo is on the chaotica-compilation in case you didn't know.
1. Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
2. Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
3. Carpathian Forest - Black Shining Leather
4. Emperor - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk
5. Setherial - Nord
6. Keep Of Kalessin - Through Times Of War
7. Immortal - Battles In The North
8. Ulver - Bergtatt
9. Satyricon - Nemesis Divina
10. Marduk - Those Of The Unlight
What's so special about Burzum's "Aske", when excluding its symbolical value? It's only got 3 tracks, and one of them is even an instrumental.

In my opinion, the first Burzum release is easily Varg's worst. It's total shit musically(here come the pseudo-intellectuals to tell me it's "technically brilliant"), and it sounds like he recorded it in a basement.
I wouldn't consider Burzums music brilliant (technically speaking) but it does seem to capture a truly grim atmosphere that few others have ever been able to create. It just captivates the mind and grips the emotions like no other. While I didn't put Aske in my top 10 it is a worthy mention and is in my top 20ish.