Black Metal Live... for my "concert"

Lol... you're right... guess I don't know what I'm talking about... here's what came up on google when I looked this thing up (it came up on metal storm, as awful as the site is):

During the 20th century, Satanists inverted the upright pentacle and adopted it as their own symbol. However, the symbol is most commonly shown with the head of a goat within the pentagram, known as Sign of Baphomet.

(n) Upright pentacles and pentagrams are among the most widely used religious symbols. They have been used in many eras and by many cultures and religions of the world: by ancient Pagans, ancient Israelites, Christians, magicians, Wiccans and others.

The five points symbolized "the five knightly virtues - generosity, courtesy, chastity, chivalry and piety."

(n) The inverted pentacle with a goat's head is called the sign of Baphomet. The term may have come from two Greek words, baphe and metis, meaning "absorption of knowledge." It has also been called the Black Goat, Devil's Goat, Goat Head, Goat of Mendes, and Judas Goat. Its first appearance appears to have been during the vicious interrogation of members of the Knights Templar by the Christian Inquisition. There was little consensus among different victims' descriptions of the Baphomet. It can probably be safely assumed that their description of the Baphomet is more a product of the Inquisition's torture methods than of any actual statue that was in use by the Knights.

To satanists, the 5 points represent the 5 rivers of Hades: Acheron (river of woe), Cocytus, Lethe (river of forgetfullness), Phlegethon (river of fire), Styx (where souls of dead are dumped).

So basically upside down it's reversed (the meaning)

Sorry OT, but... Before satanists turned it into what it was it meant something differant. Right? It would be like saying the swastika is a nazi simble only even though it has been used for thousands of years by many, many, differant cultures. So the question is, will you go by what it has meant for longer, or only go by what it has meant for 50 some years? And plus if you look at the wiccan tradition with the pentagram it does not mean satan, or evil, or anything to do with hell. It is just another type of energy. Sorry for being OT.
Now to your question, I would say Drudkh would be somewhat easy to play, very minamalistic and simple (for the most part) but the problem would be the vocals and lyrics. Another question you may want to ask is, "Can we sing it?" or are you planning on not doing vocals? Summoning may be easy to play if you have all the instruments and the ability to do vocals and have a good keyboardist. Hmm Windir would be good also. If you could I would recomend listening to some Einherjer and seeing if you would want to use any of their stuff also (Albums, Dragons of the North, and Blot). Also you may want to consider listening to Woods of Ypres (Any album). Besides that, good luck!
DeathBlade said:
Now to your question, I would say Drudkh would be somewhat easy to play, very minamalistic and simple (for the most part) but the problem would be the vocals and lyrics. Another question you may want to ask is, "Can we sing it?" or are you planning on not doing vocals? Summoning may be easy to play if you have all the instruments and the ability to do vocals and have a good keyboardist. Hmm Windir would be good also. If you could I would recomend listening to some Einherjer and seeing if you would want to use any of their stuff also (Albums, Dragons of the North, and Blot). Also you may want to consider listening to Woods of Ypres (Any album). Besides that, good luck!
Problem with Drudkh is there's like no tab for it anywhere hehe. Vocals, we're not sure yet if we're going to do them... I find it rather challenging to hold a raspy harsh voice for a full 5+ minutes and still sound good by the end of it. We'll do vocals if I can "get good" at it.

Thanks for the help and encouragement... windir we're definitely doing as the tab for "Arntor, ein windir" is widely available and the song isnt incredible technical...

Dont get me wrong, me and the other guitarist are pretty good and improving quickly (we both practice like 3-4 hours a day), but I just dont think I can handle ultra technical stuff. Like someone said tho, most BM stuff isnt that way.

@guy above me: YES!
WNxScythe said:
It's the star of david upside down, much like upside down cross. Blame satanists for associating it with satan.

correct me if im wrong but isnt the Star of David a 6 pointed star and the Pentagram 5 points? ... just wondering... <shrugs> lol .... :loco:
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
correct me if im wrong but isnt the Star of David a 6 pointed star and the Pentagram 5 points? ... just wondering... <shrugs> lol .... :loco:
Yeah you're right see my later post :tickled:
Scourge of Malice said:
im just wondering how good a black metal song is going to go over at a high school graduation party........

Hehe. I see your point. I'll probably get a few sideways glances but hopefully the 70's rock songs we're going to do as well will appease the people in charge ;)

They won't be able to do anything anyways once we start playing :rock:

As for the seniors themselves... well, oh well. Most of the people at school like rap :yuk: but I'm close friends with about a third of the seniors so well... hehe. It'll be interesting for sure.
RosesofShadow said:
Play some Arcturus, it would be good to play that live. But i think it would be a bit difficult especially if you'll play songs from Sham Mirrors, heavy keys there.

Not to mention hard to replicate vocals...
Henrik Main said:
You should be able to pull off "Pure Holocaust" or "Unsilent Storms In The North Abyss" quite easily.

I doubt it. Immortal is quite technical, guitar- and drumwise, at least. And even if they managed to play it, they would need some rather stylish rig to make it sound good. I'd rather go for some Windir and Satyricon.