Awesome Underground Band!!!

MightyDrynwhyl said:
well, yeah but if you want to be known as a good band then the tighter you guys are the better chance you have at being liked, b/c who wants to hear somebody screwing up or being off key?
Well, riffs don't have to be in key.. They can contain as many random half-steps as possible, take a look at some of Metallica's riffs, for instance.. However, soloing, vocals (especially!), and at least the verse guitar arrangements should really make sense and be interconnected somehow. But opening riffs are usually kinda random..
I just want to know if you like these guys at the professional level. Can these guys be a welcome addition to the American melo-death/thrash scene? If not, I KNOW my band has no chance.
shell shock: in that song, they arent off key, its just a complete screw up on the guitar players behalf. i think if a band is going to make a demo they should at least be as tight as possible

anonymousnick: i would still welcome them in the scene. theres nothing wrong with being generic, though they do bore me. congrats to them for just making a demo(something my band has yet to do)
anonymousnick2001 said:
I just want to know if you like these guys at the professional level. Can these guys be a welcome addition to the American melo-death/thrash scene? If not, I KNOW my band has no chance.
To tell you the truth, the vocals somewhat put me off. Though musically - even with the guitar fuck-up that MightyDry is talking about - the band ain't bad. The opening thing for "Envy" is pretty good. The distorted guitar sounds too raw - but with the right production, hey, it might as well look okay..

An honest opinion. Besides, the demo's one thing - about twice as much of legitimate meterial for a record and the live showing ask for much more...
I actually didn't tell the guys in the band that I was advertising them. It'll be our secret, cool?

By the way, finally got my sig up.

I've resurrected this thread for a bunch of reasons.

My band has a similar sound to these guys, and I want to know if there's a fan market for this style. I want people to judge this band on the professional level, so I have an idea of how badass the competition between bands is, just to see how big a shot we have of changing the metal scene forever.

Whew. Mouthful.