I just recorded the most awesome punk/hardcore band from my hometown. (real stuff)


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
Man it's so awesome to record good musicians. Check this short song, I think it's fucking great!

Everything is real. Toms are all real, just a tad of slate on the snare (20% or maybe even less).

Guitars are Gibson LP Studio into Orange Rockverb 50 slaved into my Mesa Dual Rec, Krank OS with v30. Used an Audix i5 and md421

Bass is.. I don't remember. But I used the DI and Sansamp.

I have some problem with the top snare though... I always have. Fucking bleed all over the place. Tried to use less compression but didn't help and made it all muddy. Fucking small room is the problem I guess.

let me know what you guys think!

latest update: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2932654/Power/power%20-%20raise%20your%20fist%204.1%20update.mp3


oops. allready found a few things that I need to fix... don't mind them :)
Wow, good work on the drums. The sound sampled to me. Pretty insane.

I think the guitars could sound bigger.

But really, it sounds damn good.
thanks! I took a lot of junk out of those guitars, maybe a bit too much!

that drummer is a machine! hard hitter for sure!
Wow, that singer is like the punk/hardcore version of Phil Anselmo. Awesome vocals! I think the mix sounds great. I really have no feedback to offer you. Good job man :)
Sounds a bit boomy/muddy to me, the low end is kind of distorting too. The overheads are very narrow centered, and the toms panning seems quite extreme in comparison. Vocals could come up a bit more in places. That's all I can think of at the moment. :)
hm, that's interesting because OH's are hardpanned. do you think the muddyness comes from the guitars or the bass or both together?

the band want the vocals low in the mix.
thanks. I really like it when the floor is banging pretty much on the right side, especially during fast tom-snare umpa umpa parts ;)