first spoiler for our upcoming album (lot's of real stuff and 100% real snare/toms)

Finally a band in this genre that surprises me. Really unique vocal sound! Reminds me some Cult of Luna-ish bands. LOVE/ADORE it!

Seriously? I gotta look after this album when it gets out. You guys will ship to Canada? ;)
You want to preorder one of the tapes aswell! I'll ship a whole package with everything you need and it will be a steal because we do EVERYTHING diy. Tapes, Shirts and so on.
Lol all the comments made me really excited about the mix and the music. Fall of efrafa and La Dispute are fucking awesome, so I might dig this. Can't listen right now, but will do so tomorrow. :lol:

edit: Yep. It's awesome :D Also, great music. Looking forward to the finished album!
god damn I hate you hahaha my band is pretty similar to this just more punk influenced and this is exactly how I want our mix to sound. The openness and air that you've achieved is astonishing. I tip my hat to you sir!
you may let me mix your band, then :D

I tracked in such a shitty room it's unbelievable. Using good gear + mics helps, most of the sound is the performance. Really.

oh and btw: What's the name of your band? If it's simmilar it has to be pretty awesome ;) :D you'll find some more punk/hardcore oriented tracks on our album, too!
We're called Projections, haven't posted anything yet since I haven't written all the lyrics. I was wondering if I could post a song on this thread for you to listen to and possibly give me some critiques if that's not too much to ask?