
If they could live in the sea and breed to hundreds of thousands the world would come to an end :lol: The new dominant species.
Well not really, they're very slow and probably one kick to the face would them.

Well the bad thing is if you don't start looking for them and kicking them then it would be no use...they would just breed and breed and overrun your country :lol: Soon you got a psycho-fish instead of the queen. I just read that the shit thing with those boinks are that they hardly have any enemies!:kickass::lol:
the thing is, it won't happen, a fish that eats meat is in one of our rivers, its not like we don't have an army ffs, even if they did breed and start crawling around, how the fuck they gona open your front door, go up to your room and eat you before you've got something ready to kill it with... it's a fish ffs
the thing is, it won't happen, a fish that eats meat is in one of our rivers, its not like we don't have an army ffs, even if they did breed and start crawling around, how the fuck they gona open your front door, go up to your room and eat you before you've got something ready to kill it with... it's a fish ffs

Even you won't believe that, the end is come, accept it