Awful copycat guitar sound tip (with CLIP)


Jun 3, 2006
I dont know if anyone else does this...But I tried it for a laugh.

I recorded a Danzig clip (you can hear the world cup game on in the background as I did it while watching the world cup)

Just 2 guitars. It sounded like ass.

So I cheated...I kept the tracks which sounded like garbage, and played the original mp3 and kept on tweaking the crap tracks I had with waves until it sounded a little similar.

At least now they are audible. I would never have got close to this if I hadnt had the reference of the original.

Here is the clip: of mk III.mp3

Take into concideration that the tv was on in the background, the AC was above my mic, and I was playing through a 10 inch speaker.

The guitar was studio LP with 81 and 85, and my amp was a Boogie Mk III on the ryth chan (low gain)
It was in an apartment at bedroom settings using a 10 inch fender speaker.

I did a little mini setup where if I am noodling in my front room I can record with no set up time. :loco: Mongo hate setting up studio.
KillDivision said:
It's very ACDC, and i mean that as a compliment. Really in your face sound. Most Angus wannabees would kill for this tone.

Thanks man. The best advice for low gain attack is to hit the crap out of the strings! I was heavy handed
smy1 said:
Sounds SUPERB! I love that tone and the song. I am too lazy to get the CD from downstairs but I think I prefer your tone to the original without having a comparison.

Cheers! The original has more gain...Only a little more and it sounds a little darker.