Help me with my guitar sound please (clip inside)


New Metal Member
Apr 20, 2007
Hello everyone, first post on this board , that I've been reading for some months and wich I like very much.

I posted this tread on another board I like (Gearslutz), hopes it don't create any problem. I just one to have as many opinions as possible, so thanks much for any infos :)

Here is my original post :


So here is my problem (again) : I'm recording some guitar track for my own band. The gear is good (or ok) and the sound is not so bad BUT I just can't acheive exactly what I want. The sound still sound a bit "hard" , and the grain of the tracks is not so beautiful (like it still sound like a "cheap" sound at me).

Here is my chain (4 tracks)

1: Gibson SG 76 -> Orange Head -> Mesa Boogie Cab -> 421 (white one)
2: Gibson SG 76 -> Orange Head -> Orange Cab -> SM57
3: PRS -> Orange Head -> Orange Cab -> M101
4: PRS -> Orange Head -> Orange Cab -> SM57

All mics are angled to avoid the nasty fizz around 10k.
They go to my Amek Big (for the preamp & eq) where I've put a low cut, remove some bass @ 80Hz, add some hi-mid @ 4,5Khz, remove some high @ 12Khz (each time 2 db I think).
No phase problem with the multimic cause it's 4 different takes. Now here are the clip (WAV - sorry for that),

(here you can find the raw tracks with just one eq on the master + the guitar tracks alone ... I know it's not very tight for now :goggly:)

Please what do you think of the sound ? I know i'm not a pro but I want to improve so please advice are welcome. I really search for a grainy, organic, glassy sound. My reference for the guitar is the band Poison The Well (, but also bands like Cult of Luna ( , Breach...)

THANKS TO ALL (sorry for my English).


People there give me those advice : use less gain , layer with a Telecaster and a clean amp, try to not angle the mic or at least use one that is not angled with the other, layer with a POD...

Now I wonder what is the best to do.
Playing with eq I realised that there is something nasty around 2,6Khz that I can remove easily and it makes the sound far better BUT what do you think of this sound please ? How can I acheive a "glassy" hi-gain sound, I'm searching for something with a lot of grain , organic, with style.

How many guitar should I layer (multi mics ? how many takes ?) please ?
What is the best way to blend a Tele, a SG and a PRS together for you ?
Now I plan to do this :
2 take with Tele (quite clean), 2 takes with SG, one with the PRS. It is too much takes ? Should I go like : 1 for tele (with 2 mics), 1 with SG (2 mics) , 1 with PRS (1 mic) ?

Sorry for all those questions & thanks much for every tips.
The guitar playing is way to sloppy for that many takes .... :)

Yeah ... I know that ...
As told in the first post, it was just experimenting ... and after 2 days and 4 hours per day of doing the same 2 riff ... yeah it gets sloppy :goggly: ... but no excuse, cause it just wasn't my main problem, my guitarist will be ok for the real takes :Saint:
Now my main problem is how to obtain the tone I'm searching for ... thanks anyway for the tips & listening to the clips :)

I would say less gain and a tele would get you mentioned before. Also I think you may be over doing it with trying to layer so much...the sound you want is a rather simple tone that can easily get muddied up.

Ok thanks for the tips Ochants76. I planned to use a Tele since everyone told me that would be better and I think you are right also for the takes. But I don't know how many tracks should I do and how do deal with them (for panning).

Usually I do something like : 100 % LEFT + 40% RIGHT for the first guitare and 100% RIGHT + 40% RIGHT for the second (the 40% is most of the time done with an angled mic and a little dip @ 3Khz-5Khz).

But in this case should I do like 3 takes ? Peraps just 2 ? And I don't know what would be the better : peraps do 2 takes with the Tele with 2 mics and then do 1 takes with the SG with 1 mic and blend all of this... I think that pushing the Tele to the side would be better , no ?

Please how do you guys deal with multi takes ? How do you layer them ?
Thanks much for showing interest , that's very nice :)