please help me get a good tone out my peavey xxx

bury your dead

New Metal Member
Jun 1, 2009
hey im having trouble getting a mint sound on my xxx im runnin it through a rec cab with vintage 30s and my guitars fitted with emgs. i dont see the point of trying to sound exactly like a record but im going for something like the carcass heartwork sound or the arch enemy doomsday machine type of tone

my current settings on the crunch channel are (with the damping on tight)

treb 4 oclock
mid 1 oclock
bass 2 oclock
gain 2 oclock

holy crap...Bad settings, IMO.

Set the amp on loose...Tight chokes the tone way too much, and the loose setting on the XXX is still PLENTY tight.

treble is way too high, especially on tight...I'd try to keep everything tame.

hair - 1:00
body - 11:00
bottom - 1:00
gain - 11:00

If you want more scoop (IMO, Heartwork is pretty scooped sounding), lower the mids a bit.

You gotta remember, the XXX gain channels have an active EQ, so it's like a parametric EQ. At halfway (noon or 12:00), the controls are at "0". Lowering under 12:00 cuts that frequency, above 12:00 boosts it.
My favourite setting so far has been the ultra channel with bass and treble cranked, mids about 2 o clock. Use a tubescreamer in front with the drive down and the level & tone at 12 o clock and keep the gain on the amp low (i never need to go above 9 o clock for anything) use the loose setting. for the fx loop have one of the dials all the way up and one all the way down. Also watch the volume control for the dist channel you're not using, seems to act like a presence control, i find it sounds best between 12 and 3 o clock.

Obviously this is all dependent on your guitar, pickups, cab and how you play, so no one else is going to be able to give you the perfect settings, but we should be able to get you in the ballpark.
holy crap...Bad settings, IMO.

Set the amp on loose...Tight chokes the tone way too much, and the loose setting on the XXX is still PLENTY tight.

treble is way too high, especially on tight...I'd try to keep everything tame.

hair - 1:00
body - 11:00
bottom - 1:00
gain - 11:00

If you want more scoop (IMO, Heartwork is pretty scooped sounding), lower the mids a bit.
This is pretty closed to what we use as well. Loose!
Holy god, the gain knob positions in that pic are laughable, but from what I've heard about the amp (and from listening to your stuff), I guess it's still plenty! Oh Peavey... imagine the "ultra" channel. It gets pretty stupid. Granted we use a bit more gain for live stuff (as opposed to quad tracking rhythms). imagine the "ultra" channel. It gets pretty stupid. Granted we use a bit more gain for live stuff (as opposed to quad tracking rhythms).

IMO, the Ultra channel does up the gain, but it doesn't saturate like the Crunch. It's a bit more dry and compressed, and doesn't have the high end sizzle the Crunch channel does (as well as most Peaveys), maybe that's what makes me think it's dry...To me, it's a little more smooth, dark and more low mid focused. Presumably for lead playing, but I find it a nice accent tone to my 6505+ in general. I usually run my XXX on the Ultra channel (with EL34's) paired with my 6505+ live and it kills.
IMO, the Ultra channel does up the gain, but it doesn't saturate like the Crunch. It's a bit more dry and compressed, and doesn't have the high end sizzle the Crunch channel does (as well as most Peaveys), maybe that's what makes me think it's dry...To me, it's a little more smooth, dark and more low mid focused. Presumably for lead playing, but I find it a nice accent tone to my 6505+ in general. I usually run my XXX on the Ultra channel (with EL34's) paired with my 6505+ live and it kills.
Yeah, we don't use the ultra at all. I will always try it but it's too scooped for my taste.