Help me get good guitar tone!!

16 eh? Mighty fine work dude. Not that age has anything to do with it, but i think you're quite far ahead of many people your age. My only real concearn with your clips is the muddy lows. Once you get that fixed, it'll be a pretty hot, usable sound. Have you tried using post EQ/ Multiband compression to trial changes? Sometimes shooting in the dark with amp settings can take ages, but once you have the clip there you can mess around with it to try (post)EQing different regions, then going back to the amp and trying to get it from that. So that way, you can see what it sounds like with all 4 tracks, then try match it to one of the solo tracks.
thanks a lot i really appreciate it. the only eq i did was cut it off at around 7000 i think and scooped 800hz by like 2 db, i dont really know how to tune that on the amp settings though, i think i should just turn the low down a little bit and if needed add like 240hz afterwards
"the only eq i did was cut it off at around 7000"

By that do you mean a Low pass filter, or just a shelf EQ? If you mean Low pass, i'd move it up to the 10-12kHz region. As for the lows, in my experiance, 240Hz is generally the muddy region, so I definaltely would advise against boosting it, but it's up to you.

Was that clip with or without EQ? To be honest, it's a bit hard to help with a tone that's had post EQ put on it. You've definately made progress on getting your tone "more like the pro's" IMO. I think it could still be better, but having not achieved godly tones myself, there will only be so much that I can help.
If at all possible throw upa short clip without post EQ, and then we'll get a better idea of where you're starting at.