Peavey XXX


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
So I've been using a Peavey XXX since they came out on the market. It was my first tube amp, and I'll never get rid of it. I love the range in tone you can achieve with it, and I also love it's very distinct sound.

I've been using it with my current band for some time now, but have always recorded using a POD Pro and PODxt. My goto guy in the pro audio section at Guitar Center hooked me up with a deal on an open box mic, the silver faced Sennheiser e609. Never been used, and got it for $60 :headbang:

Just curious as to who else uses the XXX and what can I expect from this mic? My rig consists of a baritone w/Emg 81's > Maxon OD808 > ISP Decimator rack unit > XXX. My FX loop is bare with a Virtualizer Pro > BBE 428i. It's all fed thru 2 XXX straight cabs, with whatever speakers came stock(sheffields maybe?). Am I going to get good results with the Sheffields? Buying new cabs is not an option($$$$ is tight) but loading them with different speakers is something I am willing to spend money on....

Once again just curious as to what some of you have achieved with this amp and mic. Should I spend the extra money and get a SM57 also to go along with the e609 or will it be good enough? Andy I know I read somewhere that you have worked with the XXX before, so please chime in....

Wolfeman, in a conversation I had with the one and only Mr. James Murphy, he proclaimed that the e609 silver is crap. I'm inclined to believe him. He uses the original (and much more expensive) all black e609. Now, with that said, I use the e609 silver here at the studio quite often in cojunction with an SM57. Always great results. It breaks down like this, very simple:

The e609 silver seems to sound pretty similar to the SM57, only, it has smoother highs, and more defined midrange response - to *my* ears.

When paired, I get the low-end from the SM57, and the gritty highs which I oh so love on metal guitars, and then I blend in the e609 for a smoother top-end to kinda round out the tone, and then use it's midrange response to my advantage, making the guitars sound a little more full with less tracks needed. Usually when time is super tight and we can only do one track per side, I'll double mic the cab with these two.

I recommend you spending some dough and get a pair of Celestion V30's, and install them in an X-pattern in your cab, and pick up a used SM57. They are tanks, used is just as good as new with these monsters, unless it was thrown in a lake, or spaghetti.

First step being the V30's, try those out with the 609. Still not happy, grab the SM57. Then try it while blending that and the e609 together. Mic those speakers up with the mics, and I'm almost certain you'll find a new love for your amp recorded, and live. :)

All said and done, I still am anxious to con my boss into picking up the original e609 in black so I can see how much of a difference it is. But for now, the silver is not a bad mic at all.

Thanks for the info 006. I did read in some posts about throwing in a pair of V30's, I think I may do just that. When I'm recording, should I just run one of my cabs or both? Mic one speaker on each cab? Sorry for the newb questions, like I said all my previous recording is Pod based so it was pretty much idiot proof.

As for the SM57, I've always known that that's pretty much the mic to go with, but I couldn't pass up almost half off on a brand new Senn, so that's why I grabbed it.

So tax refund= 2xV30 + SM57......
Wolfeman said:
I did read in some posts about throwing in a pair of V30's, I think I may do just that.
That's the best thing you could do!

Wolfeman said:
When I'm recording, should I just run one of my cabs or both? Mic one speaker on each cab?
I'd go with just one and try diferent micing techniques (mabe try to buy a 57 to combine with your sennheiser). The simpler you go the better.
I haven't used a 609 for recording (used em live once tho--nice!!) but I'm pretty sure you're going to be better off spending $$ on V30s with the 609s as opposed to buying a 57 with the sheffields. For anything remotely heavy the V30's make a huge impact on tape/disc!
If you're on a budget like me, try the Audix i5. Comparable to the SM57 but half the price. I use the i5 on my XXX 212 Combo and get descent tone.
the i5 is a sweet versatile mic for sure. i would probably go with the i5 over the 57 as a first purchase with the intent of adding a 57 somewhere down the line. they are all great mics and i think they all come in handy(609 black, 609 silver, i5 and 57).
If you're on a budget like me, try the Audix i5. Comparable to the SM57 but half the price. I use the i5 on my XXX 212 Combo and get descent tone.
I'm not sure where you're at but the i5 streets for around $10 more than the 57 here in the states. Anyway IMO everyone should own a couple of 57's.
egan. said:
I'm not sure where you're at but the i5 streets for around $10 more than the 57 here in the states. Anyway IMO everyone should own a couple of 57's.

Yeah, the GC by my house Had the i5 for $75 and the 57 for $150
(St. Louis)
Genius Gone Insane said:
You sure? I find that hard to believe. I bought my first 57 from GC over 10 years ago for about $90 and I've never seen the price go up.
yeah they are around 90.00 dollars everywhere. you can get i5s for less though. i bought three and got them for 75.00 each at roaddog online.
Genius Gone Insane said:
You sure? I find that hard to believe. I bought my first 57 from GC over 10 years ago for about $90 and I've never seen the price go up.

Unless I read the wrong price tag for the 57.:ill: (which is possible. I'm a quick shopper) I was wanting an i5 anyway.