Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Hey guys,

I've been recording a band this week playing VHT Pittbul and Peavey Triple XXX heads, all through a VHT cab (loaded with Eminence P50) and it came out pretty good, I'll post a clip here if you're interested asap (will start the mix in a few days probably) !

I'd love a straight clip of the XXX, pre-mixing! How did the XXX sound through the Peavey cab it's ontop of, and is it loaded with 6L6's or EL34's? I personally run my XXX with EL34's at 60 watts into 2 Eminence V12's, but am getting the 5150 cabinet soon.
The XXX (6L6 I think) through the Peavey cab sounded like shit compared to the same amp through the VHT cab. Very thin and fizzy. We used the active EQ on the VHT (very very sensitive !!!), because the guitar player was pretty anal with his sound and didn't appreciate my suggestion to use a pedal in front (neither did he to switch his EMG 85 to the bridge and 81 to the neck), and was frowning when I dared touching his buttons :)... Since it sounded good already (it's just a demo they want), I didn't insist (and if the sound is bad in the end, I'll be able to say : "Hey, I told you we should have used the Tube Screamer, haha".
I'm recording my bands CD right now with a Pittbull. I'm running it into an IOS cab with a 75 watts celestion. I'd like to hear a clip if you have one.....I might post one of mine in the near future aswell. It's tracking great, I'll proably need some suggestions for mastering when I get to that point.

I use a TS9 with my VHT aswell but I only step on it for leads.
Shredfiend said:
I use a TS9 with my VHT aswell but I only step on it for leads.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who hasn't jumped ship to the "We must use a pedal in front to sound good!" philosophy. Granted, not everyone thinks they have to have one, but it seems to be becoming all too common these days. It could help a lesser amp in my opinion (like my bandmates solid state Randall head), but it starts to give a lot of tube heads the same character and this quality to them that I don't care much for. To each his own, for sure. I still use my Maxon OD-808, but it's only as a solo boost. I think if you can't get the sounds you enjoy out of your amp without needing to stick extra pedals in front of it, then buy a new amp...;) J/K
Weird, I prefer the XXX over the VHT. The VHT sounds too harsh for my taste (maybe a tube screamer is missing there... :tickled: ).
silverwulf said:
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who hasn't jumped ship to the "We must use a pedal in front to sound good!" philosophy. Granted, not everyone thinks they have to have one, but it seems to be becoming all too common these days. It could help a lesser amp in my opinion (like my bandmates solid state Randall head), but it starts to give a lot of tube heads the same character and this quality to them that I don't care much for. To each his own, for sure. I still use my Maxon OD-808, but it's only as a solo boost. I think if you can't get the sounds you enjoy out of your amp without needing to stick extra pedals in front of it, then buy a new amp...;) J/K

Totally agree......I mainly just use the TS for a little added compression and the added midrange on my leads, everything gets a bit more liquid sounding with it.....TS's seem to have a nice midrange hump to them.....some people don't like it but I think it's perfect for leads.

Aside from that the VHT has gain to spare, I usually never set it past 3 o'clock, sometimes a little less.

I've actually never been happier with an amp for metal than the VHT. Great definition and a real quick attack.
i love how so many of you will shun the idea of active pick ups and putting stomp boxes like a TS or Maxon in front of an amp... yet when it comes time to list your favorite albums and/or guitar ones, andy's and colin's feature heavily in many of the same people's top picks... clearly you DO like active pick ups and TS on the front end... clearly you do. :D

not trying to change anyone's mind about how to record or get guitar tone.. .. just making an observation
James Murphy said:
i love how so many of you will shun the idea of active pick ups and putting stomp boxes like a TS or Maxon in front of an amp... yet when it comes time to list your favorite albums and/or guitar ones, andy's and colin's feature heavily in many of the same people's top picks... clearly you DO like active pick ups and TS on the front end... clearly you do. :D

not trying to change anyone's mind about how to record or get guitar tone.. .. just making an observation

I love Andy's productions, and some of the albums he has worked on are my favorite albums in my collection...but I don't think I would list many of those albums as having my favorite guitar tones. My favorite tone of an album Andy has worked on is probably Nevermore's DHIADW (which had a Tube Screamer), but I don't like it nearly as much as I do some other albums. I'm not saying it's bad to use a pedal by any means. I'm just saying that I personally find that I can get a better tone without it...

...and I have EMG 81's/89's in all my guitars...:cool:
I happen to think that Andy and CR get the most crushing guitar tones EVER! As a matter of fact, I'm actively searching for a decent deal on the TS-9. I have a feeling that this has been the missing ingredient from my heavier productions.

Question for James - If I remember correctly, you used a Valvestate on the Disincarnate record, right? I know that its been awhile, but do you remember if CR used the Tubescreamer in front back then?
My main thing with the VHT and the tubescreamer is the VHT has plenty of gain and a lot of compression. I don't think leaving the OD on all the time would be that beneficial. With another amp, I might have a different opinion. Needless to say, the TS is still my favorite pedal.
metalkingdom said:
I happen to think that Andy and CR get the most crushing guitar tones EVER! As a matter of fact, I'm actively searching for a decent deal on the TS-9. I have a feeling that this has been the missing ingredient from my heavier productions.

Question for James - If I remember correctly, you used a Valvestate on the Disincarnate record, right? I know that its been awhile, but do you remember if CR used the Tubescreamer in front back then?
i don't know whether he did or not.. but I did, and i had mine with me and used it. had a good time with Colin on that record.. learned a lot as well. 1992... a lifetime ago, it seems.