Help with my XXX

About the maxed settings thing...

I tried it and Honestly I get the same effect
by keeping the master around 3 oclock and
turning up the channels volume and keeping the settings around
9-12 oclock.

Where as maxing the settings I have the channel volume
hardly engaged,,, BEcause I keep the master
high no matter what, It cleans up the sound and
gets into the power tubes nicely.
The 2 techniques Sound about the same.

Seems like I need to ditch this bad monkey that I dont use,
And get a maxon 808 or something like a ts9, Or an sd1
and do the ts9 mod to it.

The bad monkey is USELess as a drive in front of the XXX as
far as I have tried. Anybody else with different experiences
then by all means come forward about it:kickass:
OD808 for the value.

OD820 if you got the extra dough.

the 808 is an awesome pedal.

The bad monkey works great for a 5150.
But has no effect on the XXX.

The 808 must have a different type of overdrive
or something for it to affect the xxx and
a tube overdrive like the bad monkey not.

But for a 5150 cant beat like 45 new for a bm.
My fav all around heavy settings
for one guitarist so far through the crunch are...

Master: 2-3
Hair: 9:30
Body: 10
Bottom: 11
CH Vol: 12
Gain: 11-12

Somebody dial those in and tell me
what you think. PRobly sounds better with
tubes that arent el34s, which is what I have
Fucking el34s. Ive never even heard 6l6's in this amp.:ill: