compared XXX to JSX today


Authorized XSr™ Dealer
Feb 2, 2006
Doogie Howser, MD
I tried a used 2x12 XXX combo and a 'new' display model 2x12 JSX combo in a store today. Same guitar, same cable, same wooden stool. I suspect both amps were defective/damaged, though.

Surprisingly, the XXX seemed the more versatile of the two. Both the Crunch and Ultra channels had a broader range of tones on tap as their gain knobs were raised from 1 to 10. In contrast, the JSX's Ultra channel had little or no difference in gain anywhere in the 3-10 range. It seemed to go straight to saturated and stay there. (Turning the gain knob back and forth and hearing no change reminded me of a Chevy Citation I used to drive that had a steering wheel totally unresponsive 20 degrees in either direction from center. I would freak out my friends by yanking the wheel towards oncoming traffic but maintaing a straight and steady course.)

Also, neither Fat switch on the JSX had any noticeable effect on its tone whatsoever. Is their contribution supposed to be more discernable in certain situations vs others, say, only at really low or really high gain settings? I had the channel volumes at 12 o'clock and the master volume at 10:30 or so if it matters.

The XXX wasn't totally without quirks, either. The Clean channel was plenty loud with its volume at 9 o'clock and the master volume at 9 o'clock, but the Crunch and Ultra channel volumes needed to be well past 3 o'clock to be audible at all at the same MV setting. I've played through this exact same XXX, and others, before without experiencing that problem, so I figure it was due to something having recently broken or burnt out or whatever.

And speaking of breaking, I've seen roughly a dozen used XXX or XXL combos for sale in local stores in the past two months, and all but one of them was missing a control. Not just the knob, mind you, but the pot's shaft itself appeared to have been shorn clean off at the face of the amp. I had a XXL volume knob shaft crack off in my hand this afternoon. A little chunk of it fell to the floor, and I can't say for certain, but it seemed more like plastic than metal. Anyone else experienced or heard this about Peaveys?
iekobrid said:
The XXX wasn't totally without quirks, either. The Clean channel was plenty loud with its volume at 9 o'clock and the master volume at 9 o'clock, but the Crunch and Ultra channel volumes needed to be well past 3 o'clock to be audible at all at the same MV setting. I've played through this exact same XXX, and others, before without experiencing that problem, so I figure it was due to something having recently broken or burnt out or whatever.

Maybe this XXX has some crappy 12ax7's in the ultra/crunch spots and a nice one in the clean? I know mine doesn't have this issue...
Well, ike, to each his own, however, I played a JSX recently and gave a review, and the one I demo'ed fucking rocked. The FAT switches on both channels Ultra/Crunch did a noticeable difference at 1 and at 4 on the master volume knob. I think you possibly got a messed up one. That's my guess. I've been back to that store to demo it about 50 times now and tried everything on it...the only thing that doesn't work on it, or the other 4 JSX's I've played on, is the noise gate. I still can't tell what the hell it does. The FAT switches on all 5 JSX's I've played/demo'ed have worked perfectly fine at any volume.

006 said:
I played a JSX recently and gave a review, and the one I demo'ed fucking rocked.

Yeah, I've referred people on other forums to your review. Made the JSX sound good enough that I unsuccessfully bid $800 for a "lightly used" combo on ebay yesterday without ever having heard one in person. :loco: I already dig (properly functioning) XXXs, 5150s, and 6505s, so I had really been looking forward to spending some quality alone time with a JSX.

006 said:
I think you possibly got a messed up one. That's my guess.

Mine, too. Ah well, there's still one other local Peavey dealer to hit next weekend...

006 said:
The FAT switches on all 5 JSX's I've played/demo'ed have worked perfectly fine at any volume.

Do the Fat switches seem to add low mids, or take away high mids, or affect the nature of harmonic overtones, or what?
006 said:
Well, ike, to each his own, however, I played a JSX recently and gave a review, and the one I demo'ed fucking rocked. The FAT switches on both channels Ultra/Crunch did a noticeable difference at 1 and at 4 on the master volume knob. I think you possibly got a messed up one. That's my guess. I've been back to that store to demo it about 50 times now and tried everything on it...the only thing that doesn't work on it, or the other 4 JSX's I've played on, is the noise gate. I still can't tell what the hell it does. The FAT switches on all 5 JSX's I've played/demo'ed have worked perfectly fine at any volume.


What cab do you prefer for this amp, Marshall 1960 or Mesa w/ V30's?
Is there a BIG difference with this amp in comparing those cabs?