JSX - Triple XXX


Obsidian Productions
Jul 24, 2005
Uppsala, Sweden
I've got a Triple XXX, and now at a shop near me there is a JSX for the same amount they are willing to give me for my Triple XXX. What do you guys think, should I do the trade?

I'm going by the store this week and will ask to borrow it over the weekend for a shoot out.
what are you getting out of the Jsx that you wouldnt get out of the triple xxx?

kind of like trading a 72 rally sport for a 72 trans am

Maybe slightly different flavor but essentially the same thing. (?)
I like the JSX alot, it has a built i noisegate too. I didn't like it when i tried it in a store, but i recorded a kid with one and he got a nice ballsy tone with it. Chris Amott was using JSX's in the Live Armageddon DVD as well.
I've got a Triple XXX, and now at a shop near me there is a JSX for the same amount they are willing to give me for my Triple XXX. What do you guys think, should I do the trade?

I'm going by the store this week and will ask to borrow it over the weekend for a shoot out.

Due to it's reduced gain, the JSX seems to be more versatile. The cleans IMO are alot nicer on the JSX also, and the reduced gain is soemthing that I thought sounded better, as the XXX can get fizzy quite quickly.
Try it, then decide what you need the amp for. I went with the JSX for the sake of it's versatility.
i concur, i found the xxx to have a really tiny sweet spot for the settings, (gain especially, theres just too much of it.) that was so hard to find , and harder to replicate
I prefer the JSX, just seems better all round

Hey Andy. Do you have any tips with the JSX based on your experiance and taste? Other than the usual boost with a TS to tame the lows (which it really needs IMO), do you do anything "out of the ordinary" with the JSX? Have you played around with swapping the tubes yet? Do you preffer it with passive or active pups?

Any advice you can offer is greatly appreciated.
The JSX does seem like a better amp in general than the XXX, to me anyway. I love mine. I haven't turned my 5150 on since I got the trannies replaced two months ago because I go for the JSX instead. Just something about it, heh.

Nebulous, I agree on the TS being needed. It's much like the 5150 in that aspect that it needs the TS to make it shine for metal stuff. And I don't know about Andy, but between either of my PRS's and my EC-1000, I personally prefer my EC1K with EMG-81's through it. The Custom 22 with the Dragon II's sound great, don't get me wrong, it's just I prefer the extra bite I get with the EMG's for my music. The passive pickups that have been on the amp seem to have a more mellow sound, still great though. With my friend's Jackson that has a set of Lundgren Model M hummers, it was probably one of the most kickass sounds I've heard yet for metal.

In the end you have to think about the fact that the JSX is basically just an improvement on the XXX. The Ultra channel can get balls-out gain if you need it, but yes the amp in general is toned down a tad in the fizz/gain department. Not a bad thing in the least bit :)

Throw some EL34's and a 12at7 in the V1 spot, and the XXX sounds exactally like a JSX's clean and drive. Throw the 12ax7 back in and voila- balls to the wall 'way may distortion than you need' XXX sound is back....

I'd go for the XXX, but I own one so I have a biased opinion
Hm. Can't wait until tomorrow when I'm gonna borrow it :p
After doing a gig with 'Searing I' I really got turned on onto a JSX, got the chance to hear both my XXX and his JSX side by side. Liked the JSX more, though, it had his setting, didn't do any tweaking. He has done the same though, traded his XXX for a JSX.
I know the jsx (xsr) LOOKS cooler

my XXX has a diamond plate faceplate, believe me when you live in a cowtown that trucker girl is about as fresh as a Poison concert


I ripped mine off, took the back grill off at put it up front. Took the Peavey logo from the XXX cab and stuck it on there. Looks 200% better, plus you can see the tubes.
I made that decision when I bought my JSX. Once again, the JSX is just more versatile. The clean channel is alot warmer on the JSX, and the Crunch and Ultra channels are practically 5150 channels with, once again, a bit less gain.
I personally think that the JSX is just an improvement/ refinement of both the Triple XXX and 5150/6505/etc..