6505 vs. Triple XXX

I'd just like to point out that the amp name does not have 9 X's - can we choose to either call it the Triple X or XXX? :lol: (meaning, not Triple XXX)

EDIT: Nevermind, Peavey actually calls it the Triple XXX on their site! So it must be the Ninetuple (?) X after all! :lol:

I have a 6505 but i'm looking at more option for my studio. I know alot of people dig the Triple XXX.
I know what a 6505 sounds like, but could anyone try and explain how a Triple XXX sounds compared to the 6505, does it have a different crunch/djent etc?

The Triple XXX sounds more like a Rectifier to me, but with a bit more edge and bite. Its super tight and has also got great cleans. There's far too much gain on offer though. I find I never have the gain past 10 o clock and I'm using passive pickups!

You can get some cool crunch tones by winding up the volume on the clean channel.

The crunch and Ultra channels are VERY similar. Ultra is a little more scooped sounding whereas the Crunch has more mids and is a bit tighter.

everybody's x managed to get the Triple XXX to sound the same as the 6505.

Got a link for that? Had a search but couldn't find anything. Would be awesome if I could get a 6505'ish tone out of my XXX as its one less amp to buy, lol.