Axe-Fx II > dynamic speaker modeling!!!


Feb 18, 2008
just saw this post on the fractal forums.
even if i am totally pissed about this company, i'm still stoked about this.

what do you think? it sound spretty good for a direct recording IMHO.

original post:

Cheap strat copy -> Axe-Fx II -> Reaper

JCM800 model, just playing around with volume knob and pickup selector. Cabinet is my Mesa 4x12 capture. Ignore the copious clams...

- New triode models with improved grid modeling
- Totally new power amp models with bias excursion modeling, dynamic OT modeling, power supply modeling, etc.
- Dynamic speaker modeling
Wanna hear that high gain shit, immediately. Pity previous gen owners wont get this (that shit's gonna require some serious extra juice/space).
Wanna hear that high gain shit, immediately. Pity previous gen owners wont get this (that shit's gonna require some serious extra juice/space).

i wish cliff would throw some of the amps out.
most of them sound so similar, i wonder why they are there.

the axe-fx is great but it has one weakpoint, the cab sim section, so adding this feature to the standard/ultra would improve it so much.

but hey, there's the axe-fx II, standard and ultra owners are not welcome there anymore, at least that's how i feel about it...:heh:
fractal, at least that's how it feels to me. everything seems to be focused at the axe fx II,
that's ok but leaving the other products out and discontinue them and the developement is just lame.
ok, the axe may have come to it's limits but it's also fully packed with stuff nobody needs.

there are so many amps that sound very similar, why not leave some of them out and improve the
cab simulation like in the axe II, or just restrict the usage of
amp blocks, i mean WHO in the word needs a dual amp setup, it only takes away processing power and it always sounds like shit.

there are also unusable effect like the formant block, WHO needs this, i don't get it.
Soul trash I know it's painful when a bit of kit is superceeded , realistically I can't see Cliff spending much time on anything but axe 2 . The fact remains owners of the previous model still have the second best modeller out there . You could always get on the list and sell yours ... Oh and those clips sound very promising !
actually i'm still very happy with my standard but i just don't see a future for this.
looking at the editor (which i really need in my working process) it's getting more and more a "axe-edit for axe-fx II only" thing.
the editor does not even work correctly for standard and ultra models but every new release is dedicated to the axe-fx II, that's so lame.
it's just a shame that nobody gives a fuck about standard and ultra users anymore

I agree 100% on people thinking its now an inferior unit but as for Fractal abandoning it, every company has to drop support for old products eg: Line6 don't support the old Pods or Pod farm anymore, they can't keep pumping money into something that has been discontinued and isn't going to yield a high return.
TBH I think the clean sounds sound better in the Axe-Fx II (even better than real amps?) but the heavier tones sound worse than the Axe-Fx Standard I used to own. Ofcourse I might be wrong since I haven't played the Axe-Fx II but I've heard nothing superior in the high gain department.

And IMO Cliff's updates are just a good business idea. It sells! It's very rare that something actually usable came out of those if it wasn't a new amp model.
Axefx2 patch I dialed in. I just got it so it is a little different than the Ultra.

Not meant to be a perfect recording just messing with song Ideas.

Double tracked Mesa recto/Road King

Addictive Drums

Just guitars and drums no bass yet......

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