Axe Fx tone


New Metal Member
Jan 26, 2011
Hey guys,

Here's my first attempt of posting something here. Looking for a good mix and sound. I created the guitar sound with my brand new Axe Fx Std. All cabs sims are also from the Axe Fx. But somehow I'm not satisfied with the sound. It kinda fits and it's not that apparent in the mix but considering the guitar sound out of the mix it's obvious it's lacks punch and a low bottom. You know that good old compressed 6505 sound... :rock:Whatever.

Drums are programmed. EZDrummer samples. Finale 9 plug-ins compression and reverb on snare. Compression on kick. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Bass is programmed too.

What you guys think? What do you miss? What is right? What is wrong? What should I change? How to improve it?

And for those having a Axe Fx. Did you also experiment that lack of low end? How did you solve the problem? EQ or Amp block? Wanna share patches?

Thank you for your feedback.:kickass: - High try out.mp3

PS: Everything is one take so don't bash on the playing. I'm mostly interested about the mix.
I don't think it's that bad. You have to consider that you need some months to dial a good sound out of it. I recorded with an AxeFx the last week and we got a shitty sound because it was my first time with it and also the guitarist have it for a month only. When I reamped it with my 6505+ it slayed the Axefx tone.
In a studio situation I prefer the real amps because I find much more easy to dial a decent sound with a mic in the correct position than searching thousands of settings in a display.
I got into it on another forum about this axe fx. Me thinks you have to record what you play and play what you record. That's as a guitarist speaking. Get what I'm sayin? It's like jumping on a new bike (or skis) before the big race. So if the 6505, or amp XXX is your sound then you must use it.

There are no 6505's in shops up here - top of my list want to try one tho. Does the 6505 have a speaker emulated XLR/DI out?